= War Diary by Russell “Texac” Bentley = (Edited by Daniel Wirt)
In 1965, shortly after the first American combat troops arrived in Vietnam, Country Joe McDonald famously sang:
Of course, it was a rhetorical question — the obvious, objective answer being: fighting for a criminal, imperialistic war of choice. But the war was won by the heroic Vietnamese people and the North Vietnamese Army, under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh, at the cost of several million dead and unspeakable atrocities committed by the Americans and their South Vietnamese proxy.
As everyone knows, in the end, the North Vietnamese sent the Americans packing with their tails between their legs. In an Orwellian event only rivaled by Droner Obomba winning the Nobel Peace Prize, the West awarded Henry Kissinger with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. The Nobel Peace Prize was simultaneously awarded to North Vietnamese leader Le Duc Tho, but Tho, an honorable man rejected the award because of U.S. violation of the Paris Peace Accords — the U.S. continued to bomb North Vietnam.
Daniel Wirt, M.D., is a senior contributing editor to The Greanville Post and Cyrano's Journal Today, and special information liaison for Novorossiyan news.
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Horrifying. Even if only one person died this way, so that the trust fund nose packer Hunter Biden could be a board member of Burisma, and John McCain’s good pal Sakashvilli could rape half the young women in Odessa on his desk, Obama would still deserve to be charged as a war criminal .But there have been hundreds of thousands murdered thus the world over . We the American working class HAVE to start building an independent political movement for a socialist society.
In a just world the chiefs and servants of the Empire should hang for the enormity of their crimes. In our world they profit and get honours, even become Nobel peace laureates. Nauseating. Is there a shred of humanity or decency in institutional man at the service of the Empire? Great work, Tex! There are many of us who are enlightened and inspired by your deeds. Viva Novorossyia!