John R. Hall
“Like all Americans, I’ve been lied to all my life.”
In mid-August of 1948, sweltering summer heat was largely negated by high pressure and the frigid winds of Cold War. The Second War to End All Wars still smoldered in the recent past, while the witch hunt of McCarthyism loomed on the near horizon. Of course I knew nothing of this, having only recently earned a birth certificate and U.S. Citizenship as a reward for successfully negotiating Mom’s birth canal, and taking my first breath in America’s Heartland.
George Reeves, who played Superman on the weekly series “Adventures of Superman”, was apparently immune from U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy’s inquest, during which those suspected of being Communists were rooted out, shamed, accused of treason, and even imprisoned. Targets included, but weren’t limited to those with jobs in the fields of entertainment, government, and education. Obviously, any heroic good guy “with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men” and who “fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way” was beyond suspicion.
Anglo-American propaganda against communism, or any deviation from savage, US-style capitalism has always been resisted by every tool in the vast arsenal of opinion manipulation perfected by the ruling elites in Washington and London. Movies, television, books, magazines, newspapers, posters—every conceivable means of communication —has been employed to falsify the history and ideas of communism, while whitewashing the innumerable crimes of US imperialism. The posters in this slide show are a minuscule sampler of what capitalists have always engaged in to keep the masses imprisoned by fear.
[metaslider id=134231]
Adolph Hitler was the darling of Wall Street, was Time Magazine’s Man of the Year for 1938, and was all along being set up to fire up a good war, march into The Soviet Union, and engage in a bloody conflict with Stalin. The apparent plan was that Germany and Russia would fight to the death, leaving the U.S.A. and Allied Forces to collect the spoils of war. The obvious prize in the plan was the demise of The Soviet Union and the end of the scourge of Communism. All the while, a mirror image plan was afoot in Asia, as Axis power Japan was beating Communist China to a bloody pulp. But even after a combined Soviet and Chinese death toll of around fifty million people, Communism wouldn’t die.
The River of Anti-Communist/Russian/Chinese Shit still overflows its banks. Spewing from the broadcast centers of all Mainstream News Networks, gushing from the mouths of our elected/selected politicians, and spilling over into the tiny minds of average shithead Americans. Reasons for the rampant hostility never mentioned, nor necessary. My neighbors know the drill. They’re still little children in adult bodies; dutifully Ducking, Covering, and trying to save their sorry asses from that inevitable mushroom cloud. They understand well that the only good Commie is a dead Commie, and that they’re better off dead than Red. They’ll go to their graves in the blissful embrace of ignorance, and leave the same legacy to their progeny. It is highly doubtful that The U.S.A., as a nation, will ever understand that we were all meant to dance. Everybody, or nobody.
Why contributing to the Greanville Post is urgent and makes sense.
Excellent essay, historical, sociological and introspective. Born and raised in Europe, my background is different. However, first as a youngster, then when working, I travelled through the Soviet Union. I could in no way claim knowledge or perspective on the historical developments (other than what summarily taught at school). But I could easily see that reality was immensely different from what described in Western propaganda. Apart from the general tone of daily living (at the opposite end of the “shopping-mall way of life”), I was struck by the dramatic difference in TV programs. For sure, my success at teaching myself… Read more »
I was born in Oakland in 1948. I hid under school desks from the dreaded communist bombs that were sure to come. I bought the narrative and volunteered for the Marine Corps at 17. I killed some communists in Viet Nam and now understand why. I too have been lied to all of my life.
The reason Socialism/Communism did/has not worked is MONEY was/is still part of the equation as was/is big govt.. People are pointing at Venezuela and saying look how socialism has failed them: Quotes from the article (link below): “It’s my friends and family who are suffering at the hands of an increasingly powerful and paranoid dictatorial regime. ” – YUP big GOVT part of the REAL problem. “skyrocketing in price” – Yup MONEY the other MAJOR part of the problem. In CONTRIBUTIONISM there is NO big govt and most important – NO MONEY!!! Only during the transition to a full UBUNTU… Read more »