It's Time for Kucinich, Conyers, Feingold and Other 'Progressives' in Congress to Take a Stand

January 21, 2010 [print_link]

By Dave Lindorff


Michigan's John Conyers


hearing in the House.

Progressives in the Democratic Party are both joke and oxymoron.

This could change if the progressive caucus members of both houses were to quit the sell-out Democrats and form the nucleus of a new party, instead of just a caucus within the sclerotic and rancidly corrupt Democratic Party.

If they had candidates on the ballot whom they really thought were on their side, and who really had a shot at winning, they would abandon the Democratic Party frauds in a heartbeat.

Too much can be expected of electoral politics, and certainly, even in the highly improbable event that every member of the Progressive Caucus were to quit the Democrats, run for re-election as an independent or as the member of some new progressive party, and win the first time out, the dominant Democrats and Republicans and the corporate lobbyists behind them could still keep the government in the hands of the existing corporate power structure. But even if only some of the caucus were to bolt, the door would suddenly be open for a new national politics. Workers and their labor unions would no longer feel bound to support Democratic hacks, and many could be expected to shift their allegience and financial backing to the new party, as could environmentalists, health care reform advocates, anti-war activists, education reformers and all the other progressives who have had nowhere to turn politically for years.
