Dissent in the Age of Obama

Peace activists had high hopes of an Obama presidency only to face the harsh realities of FBI raids and intimidation.

by  Cindy Sheehan   October 5, 2010
[print_link] Recently, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) raided the homes of at least eight anti-war/social justice activists here in the US.
BELOW LEFT: Keith Olbermann on the FBI abuses: Zilch. Nada. His lips are sealed.
Andy Berman of Minneapolis, center, and other protesters hold signs during a demonstration to protest the recent FBI raid at the homes of anti-war activists, Monday, Sept. 27, 2010, in Minneapolis, Monday, Sept. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Craig Lassig)
These raids have terrifying implications for dissent here in the US.
First of all, these US citizens have been long-time and devoted anti-war activists who organised an anti-war rally that was violently suppressed by the US police state in Minneapolis-St. Paul, during the 2008 Republican National Convention. Because the Minneapolis activists have integrity, they had already announced that they would do the same if the Democrats hold their convention there in 2012.
Secondly, I believe because the raids happened to basically ‘unsung’ and unknown, but very active workers in the movement, that the coordinated, early morning home invasions were designed to intimidate and frighten those of us who are still doing the work. The Obama regime would like nothing better than for us to shut up or go underground and to quit embarrassing it by pointing out its abject failures and highlighting its obvious crimes.
It seems like, even though some of those that have been nailed to the cross of national security do activism around South America, most of the activism is anti-war and pro-Palestinian rights. Being supportive of any Arab or Muslim, no matter how benign or courageous is a very dangerous activity here in post-9/11 America.
