Rachel Maddow on tax cuts for the rich


AIRED on MSNBC 11.29.10

A helpful segment by Maddow, useful from the standpoint of teaching politically dense Americans the simple facts about the scandalous behavior of their political class, with the republicans leading teh parade in terms of cynical corruption, and the Democrats bringing up the rear as cowardly (but willing) accomplices, especially when it comes to Obama. 


A couple of things worth noting.


One, Maddow forgets to mention that the 9.6% unemployment rate is the official figure, which understates REAL unemployment by a wide margin. The actual figure stands now between 15 and 18%, deeper in some sectors of the population. 


Two, even Maddow, an Obama booster (like Olbermann) is heard to mutter under her breath, "incredible!" referring to Obama's craven caves to the GOP, his penchant for giving up the house  without even pretending to put up a fight. Maybe she's learning.