Obama Year One: Betrayal and Failure (Part I)



Editor Lendman reads Obama the riot act.

The complete Bill of Attainder covering all his betrayals.




A Man of the People or Machine Politics


He supported:

He opposed the 2006 Military Commissions Act but supports military tribunals and preventive detentions for torture prison detainees.

He voted to approve rogue Bush administration appointments, including Robert Gates as Defense Secretary, John Negroponte as Director of National Intelligence, and Michael Chertoff as Secretary of Homeland Security.

Pre and Post-Inaugural Appointees

From her experience as a high-level Washington/Wall Street insider, Catherine Austin Fitts describes the process that:

Democracy for the Few, not the Many

More than ever, American democracy is bogus under a police state apparatus sacrificing civil liberties in the name of national security. Included are:

Privacy is no longer possible as potentially everyone and everything is surveilled, including:

Our entire private space is now public if spy snoops decide to invade it.

Cybersecurity Legislation that Threatens a Free and Open Internet

Political Persecution Under Obama

Part II will conclude Obama Year One: Betrayal and Failure.


Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to the Lendman News Hour on RepublicBroadcasting.org Monday – Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening.