SCUMWATCH: Limbaugh's venom

The Poison Of Limbaugh—Andrew Sullivan, himself a longtime conservative, reacts to Limbaugh’s latest provocation. 

Rush Limbaugh reacted to the instantly infamous mugshot of Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in the Arizona shooting, by saying that Loughner is smiling in the picture because he knows he is backed by the Democratic Party.

Speaking on his radio show Tuesday, Limbaugh said that Loughner was getting the exact attention that he wanted:

Left: Rush Limbaugh, the biggest pile of manure in the Western World.


get this:

What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country.

reprints excerpts from Limbaugh’s show. He is untouchable; and his tone will not change.”