The Revolt in Egypt is Coming Home

Posted By John Pilger On February 9, 2011
THE UPRISING IN EGYPT  is our theater of the possible. It is what people across the world have struggled for and their thought controllers have feared. Western commentators invariably misuse the words “we” and “us” to speak on behalf of those with power who see the rest of humanity as useful or expendable. The “we” and “us” are universal now. Tunisia came first, but the spectacle always promised to be Egyptian. 

Read more by John Pilger
    •    The War on WikiLeaks – January 14th, 2011
    •    Protect Assange, don’t abuse him – December 16th, 2010
    •    Why Are Wars Not Being Reported Honestly? – December 10th, 2010
    •    Vietnam: The Last Battle – December 2nd, 2010
    •    Chile’s Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued  – October 13th, 2010
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