Middle East Protests Continue for Unmet Demands

By Stephen Lendman, Senior Contributing Editor

25 February 2011 | [print_link]

So far, weeks of regional protests achieved nothing. Despite ousting Egypt’s Mubarak and Tunisia’s Ben Ali, their regimes remain in place, offering nothing but unfulfilled promises.

Violence followed, including beatings, use of tasers, and live firing in the air, threatening perhaps harsher action if protests continue. Al Jazeera said:

Participant Ashraf Omar said:

Protests in Jordan

Mass Iraq Protests

In fact, occupied Iraqis have no rights, no democracy, no freedom, few jobs, horrid living conditions, and no possibility for change without seizing it. One man spoke for many, denouncing the al-Maliki government, calling him a liar, and saying:

Tunisia Protests

Protests in Yemen

Protests Rage in Libya

A Final Comment

What about defending democracy, fundamental freedoms, the rule of law, and Palestinian rights under brutal Israeli occupation, oppressed daily by belligerence, land theft, mass arrests, targeted assassinations, and torture, as well as beleaguered Gazans under siege since mid-2007, suffering severely as a result.

• many other symptoms of national decline, recognized more abroad than internally, while, at the same time backing monied interests, imperial wars, and many other unprincipled policies.

