Indiana prosecutor told Wisconsin governor to stage ‘false flag’ operation

The old fake-an-attack-on-yourself trick—

No dirty trick is too dirty to those trying to hold back popular democracy.

By Eric W. Dolan

March 24, 2011 @ 7:32 pm
In Breaking Banner, Nation

Carlos Lam, a deputy prosecutor in Johnson County, Ind., says he did not write the email from his account encouraging Gov. Scott Walker to fake an attack against himself. Photo from a video debate posted at 3 Left Turns Make a Right.

AN INDIANA PROSECUTOR and Republican activist has resigned after emails show he suggested Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker stage a fake attack on himself to discredit unions protesting his budget repair bill.

The Republican governor signed a bill on March 11 that eliminates most union rights for public employees.

The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism [1] discovered the email among tens of thousands released to the public last week following a lawsuit by the Isthmus and the Associated Press.

Lam resigned from his position after the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism published an article about his email.

On February 22, an alternative paper in Buffalo, New York managed to trick Walker into taking a call from their editor posing as tea party tycoon David Koch.

In mid-February, 14 Democratic state senators left Wisconsin to stall a vote on the bill. There are 19 Republican senators, but the Senate needs a minimum of 20 members to be present to debate and vote on any bills that spend money.

have launched a boycott campaign [2] aimed at his campaign contributors.

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[1] Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism:

[2] have launched a boycott campaign:


wonderful Molly Ivins.

But I submit to you that there is no chance that you will ever surpass the legacy of looniness in my home state.

One of my favorite legislators was a guy named Mike Martin. Mike was an early harbinger of the moral majority. He was from Longview, Texas. He ran on a platform of being pro-family and pro-American. It was pretty controversial but he won anyway.

Mike came down to the Legislature and turned out to be legislatively impaired. His problem was he was such a hopeless dipshit that he could not get a single bill passed. Not even memorial resolutions for people that had died in his district.

Well, came two years later and there’s Mike and he’s got zip on his record. Hard to get re-elected when you got zip. And Mike turned out to have more imagination than we gave him credit for. What he did was he paid his cousin, Eddie, to shoot him in the arm with a shotgun. A touch I especially liked. And then he claimed that it had been done by a satanic and communistic cult that was out to get him on account that he, Mike Martin, was so profoundly and pro-American. Boy, this worked amazingly well. There were headlines all over the state: “Legislator Attacked By Satanic Cult.” I mean it was a big deal. We sent the Texas Rangers out to find these people. Now I realize that your satanic, communistic cults are practically littering the ground out here in California but they’re a little scarce in central Texas and the Rangers had no luck.

And there was Mike back in Longview going around town with his arm in a red-white-and-blue sling. I mean it looked good for re-election.

But, as often happens in these situations, the whole deal came unstuck because Cousin Eddie got drunk in a honky-tonk one night and spilled the beans.

Now here’s where we in Texas can be proud. Not many Legislators had the foresight to make it illegal to pay somebody to shoot you. But in Texas…don’t y’all come down there and try and have that done.