Obama Team Is Oddly Quiet About Evidence That Renewable Energy Beats Nuclear in Job Creation


By Brad Jacobson, AlterNet, a Fraternal Site

The Obama administration, however, has steered clear of providing this fact to the American public.

An analysis by AlterNet, applying the same job investment data that University of Massachusetts researchers provided to the Obama administration in July 2010, reveals that, for every $1 million invested, renewable energy sources would create nearly 20 percent more jobs than would new nuclear energy sources. (The exact figure is 18.3 percent.)

He said the crucial fact omitted in such narratives is that any investment in infrastructure creates jobs, but investment in nuclear energy creates far fewer jobs compared to an equal investment in renewable energy.

The Department of Energy did not respond to a request for comment.

Center for Responsive Politics, Bingaman’s top donor over his career has been the Los Alamos National Laboratory, birthplace of the atomic bomb. The Illinois-based Exelon Corporation, the nation’s largest owner and operator of nuclear power plants, is another of Bingaman’s major contributors and a prominent campaign contributor to President Obama.

The Nuclear Enterprise Institute did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

But Garrett-Peltier also lamented that this lopsided funding of nuclear energy continues today even as a growing body of evidence shows that renewable energy is not only cheaper and safer but also provides more jobs.

Fred Upton (R-MI), Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

Renewables Also Much Safer for Taxpayers

Government Accountability Office.

Government loan guarantees for renewable energy investment, Pollin said, are the most effective way to integrate the private sector through relatively small incentives in terms of costs to taxpayers.

Brad Jacobson is a Brooklyn-based freelance journalist and contributing reporter for AlterNet.

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