Straight from the INSANE liberal asylum

From time to time we bring to our audience materials like this, reproduced in their totality without editing on our part, to remind them what they face in this nation in terms of political confusion and even lunacy not only from the right, which specializes in seeing the world upside down, but from the so-called left, “liberal” division, which also frequently dwells in lala-land.  Granted, Schaeffer’s pedigree with plenty of fundamentalism in it has more rightwing in its DNA than regular left, but after his conversion to progressive politics he has often been strong in his defense of his newfound perspectives. In this tract he tilts at the real left, a natural calling for emotional liberals with an extremely naive grasp of American politics. Sadly, since Schaeffer is a well educated intelligent person, the article bristles with half-baked assertions worthy of a professional apologist. Unfortunately such people remain the overwhelming majority among those who see themselves as progressive.  For an antidote to this arrant nonsense, not suprisingly found on the Huffington Post, check out the pieces on file by authors Steve lendman and Paul Street, among others.

By Frank Schaeffer

Faith in President Obama Is Being — And Will Be — Vindicated

Huffington Post 04/18/11

Obama: The man of the people who isn't, but who somehow ignites the wildest bouts of daydreaming among liberals.

Sex, Mom and God: How the Bible’s Strange Take on Sex Led to Crazy Politics–and How I Learned to Love Women (and Jesus) Anyway. (In this book I deconstruct evangelical “thinking” about politics and the Bible in a way that I hope entertainingly exposes the religion-created sexual dysfunction that has been the only actual motivating factor for the so called culture wars.)

What Obama Faced

  • The worst economic crisis since the depression
  • A country that had been misled into accepting the use of torture of prisoners of war
  • A health care system in free fall
  • An educational system in free fall
  • A global environmental crisis of history-altering proportions (about which the Bush administration and the Republicans had done nothing)
  • An impasse between culture warriors from the right and left
  • Republican Party Hate, Democratic Party Impatience

    before the president even instituted them!

    “describes” president Obama:

    who now define themselves by opposition to president Obama and thus have their egos tied to presidential “failure”), and the hate-filled mythology of the right — president Obama has done incredibly well to get anything done at all.

    Maybe there are some on the left who (besides selling anti-Obama screeds) suffer from some sort of psychological problem of denial and are unable to deal with the reality of what America has become and actually is: A place where progressive ideas are routinely crushed beneath the weight of the corporate state and entrenched bigotry. But that reality is where President Obama must function.

    Trying to change any or all of this will take time. It will not be achieved by one man. And our best shot at changing anything at all is to be realistic about what one president can do.

    • Health care reform passed
    • Gay rights in the military took a quantum leap
    • The economy began to revive
    • The world loved an American president for the first time in half a century
    • The war in Iraq drew down
    • America foiled countess terror attacks

    says that something new about Obama regarding actual change is the way he acts in international interventions. “The governing mantra since World War II has been, ‘America is out in front,’ so it’s quite striking how prominent the administration’s focus is on letting others take the lead,” he says. “It’s really kind of revolutionary.”

    And in this context, with the just-say-no Republicans doing nothing but obstructing him, our first black president has nevertheless:

    The president keeps proving himself smarter that his detractors


    Sex, Mom, and God: How the Bible’s Strange Take on Sex Led to Crazy Politics–and How I Learned to Love Women (and Jesus) Anyway.

    To breathe the true air of freedom and democracy you need independent media lungs. Staffed with journalists and political observers not beholden to the status quo.


    Make creeps like Kissinger and Palin miserable.

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