ARCHIVES: The Stealthy Rise of Pseudo Democracy

And how fake democracy is paving the way to “reasonable fascism”

Revised and expanded 5/12/11

The perfect pseudoleader.

PROGRESSIVE ACTIVISTS are duly concerned about the evaporation of [the remants of] American democracy. Never as perfect or strong as our ceaseless narcissistic propaganda would have it, the whole scheme has been on a suicidal dive during the last four decades, particularly since that ludicrously revered mountebank, Ronald Reagan, assumed the titular helm of the empire in 1980. Now, the dilapidated structure is in danger of winning the dubious world historical prize for the widest chasm between rhetoric and reality—ever. In other words, the US is becoming the foremost example of what political scientists aptly call a “formal democracy.” Below an excerpt from the Wiki entry on the topic:

who have to work to keep from falling through the myriad cracks in our Darwinian system, and not the billionaires that run this rigged game from their globule of privilege at the top of the social pyramid.
Apparently half disbelieving, Noah probed deeper, this time marshalling an impecable source:

The incredibly shrinking democracy

Reflecting apparently upon the recent unexpected turn of events in Tunisia, the New York Times commented on the extremely fragile situation in the Middle East, predicting doom for western-backed Arab nations:

Obstinate nonresponsiveness and repeated, suspicious incompetence by the top elected officials in the face of clear and pressing needs (especially in a nation as rich as America) is the ultimate tipoff that something is awfully rotten at the center of the national covenant, and that the American democracy we grew up with (despite being badly flawed) is melting as fast as the neglected polar caps.
nothing. (The standing gallery of paid establishment pundits and apologists will naturally paint a different picture, tell you otherwise. It will be the usual murky picture pointing at irrelevancies, superficialities, false leads, scapegoats, and dead-ends. Pay no heed to it. This time simply tell them to piss off.)
In the way of evidence
Christina Green’s Civics Lesson, he states unequivocally:
Serving the interests of the plutocracy is no longer merely American government’s bias or even its mission. That function has in our time now become its full-on raison d’être, and the government is therefore capable of anything in pursuit of that purpose.
  • It has created a gigantic military machine, completely out of proportion to any actual national security need.
  • It has launched an endless series of wars, based on lie after lie.
  • It has shifted ever greater tax burdens onto the middle, working and under classes, and onto future generations – without, of course, their acquiescence.
  • It has created and defends a health care system that condemns tens of millions of its citizens – including children – to a lack of health, and to shortened lives.
  • It built a massive for-profit prison industry, incarcerating more of its citizens than any other country in the world.
  • It allowed its financiers to deploy every manner of crooked scam imaginable, in a context of almost completely absent regulation, wrecking an entire global economy in the process as these bunkster banksters enriched themselves before, during and after the meltdown they created. Then it covered their losses one hundred cents on the dollar, using taxpayer funds, even as these private sector privateers continued to flog that very same government as public enemy number one.
  • It gave corporations tax credits for shipping American jobs overseas, decimating the middle class on the altar of free trade.
  • It stood by silently, permitting banks to throw people out of their homes en masse, based on foreclosure documents that are utter garbage.
Cyrano’s Journal Today.