AIPAC’s Ugly Agenda

Abraham Foxman

AIPAC is an unregistered foreign agent representing Israel. Edward Said once called it “the most powerful and feared lobby in Washington.”  Calling itself “America’s Pro-Israel Lobby,” it’s represented Israeli interests since founded in 1953. In 1963, it was incorporated as a division of the American Zionist Council (AZC), its precursor.  For decades, it’s been very successful subverting opposition to Israel’s agenda. Virtually no one in Congress confronts it. Doing so would be a career-ender.  

Notably, it’s had virtual veto power over war and peace, trade and investment, multi-billion dollar arms sales, enormous handouts to Israel, and all Middle East policies affecting the Jewish state under Democrat and Republican administrations alike.   

Deferentially, politicians, presidents, their hangers-on, media scoundrels and others pay it due homage and the government it represents. As a result, everyone pays dearly. 

On September 15, AIPAC published an anti-Palestinian broadside headlined, “PA’s UN Statehood Bid Threatens Peace Efforts, Israel,” saying: 

“The Palestinian effort to secure recognition of statehood at the United Nations is a direct challenge to US interests and could have severe implications for the peace process.”

Fact check 

America represents Israeli interests. Israel wants Palestinians deprived of all rights under permanent occupation. There’s no legitimate peace process because Israel and Washington won’t tolerate it.

Yet AIPAC claims upgrading Palestine’s status “could have serious implications for” Israel.

Fact check 

Indeed so. Independent Palestine could ratify and have access to international conventions. As a result, it could sue Israeli war criminals in the International Criminal Court. AIPAC calls it “politicizing the court.”

In addition, Israel’s occupation would be threatened though not easily ended. The fate of settlers would be up for grabs. Notably, half are fed up and want to leave but can’t for financial reasons. 

Others would have a choice. Either become ex-pats in a foreign country under its laws, or leave. Moreover, settlement communities no longer could exclude non-Jews, besides other beneficial changes.  

Israelis would have to learn to love or at least tolerate their new neighbors. Many, in fact, do now and would welcome them.  

A century ago, Jews and Palestinians got along fine. Why not now. The problem isn’t Judaism and Islam. It’s repressive Israel and its Washington paymaster partner. 

AIPAC rails against full Palestinian participation in UN agencies, including UNESCO, ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council), UNICEF (International Children’s Emergency Fund), and others.

“The Palestinians would use these committees to isolate and delegitimize Israel for ‘occupying’ a recognized state.”

Fact check 

Israel illegally occupies Palestine. Moreover, Israel, not UN agencies, is very adept at isolating and delegitimizing itself. Balking at Palestinian statehood is its latest affront.  

As a result and for other reasons, anti-Israeli sentiment is visceral in Cairo, Amman and elsewhere. Moreover, growing numbers of Jews are fed up and no longer support its repressive agenda with good reason.

Unilateral “Palestinian actions at the United Nations could increase the potential for violence by raising unrealistic expectations.” 

Fact check

Israel alone threatens violence. Palestinians demand the same rightful “expectations” Israeli Jews enjoy – no less.

“Successful efforts by the Palestinians at the United Nations also would embolden Israel’s detractors and legitimize those who seek to isolate and question the legitimacy of the Jewish state. Boycotts of Israel could increase and be adopted more widely.”

Fact check

Anti-Israeli sentiment is fueled by its contempt for non-Jews, its repressive occupation, its aggressive wars, its territorial ambitions, its desire to be the region’s sole hegemon, and willingness to go to any extremes for it. 

Israeli policies do more to “embolden” detractors than they alone or collectively could do on their own without ammunition Israel provides. 

Abbas’ “statehood….plan….and refusal to talk to Israel are severely undermining US peace efforts.” 

Fact check 

It bears repeating. Neither Israel nor Washington want peace. They need conflict to further their regional agenda and to claim Palestinians aren’t ready for independence.  

How many more than 63 years of trying are enough to be ready for it. AIPAC didn’t say. Instead it claims Abbas won’t meet with Netanhayu. 

In fact, they do, often. Moreover, Abbas said resuming peace talks depends on Israel halting settlement expansions, stealing Palestinian land, and dispossessing lawful residents in the process. 

In addition, all Palestinian leaders will negotiate with a legitimate peace partner on an equal status basis – not master/slave.  

Israel was never willing and isn’t now – especially under a Netanyahu/Lieberman government, Israel’s most extremist ever.

AIPAC accuses Abbas of “setting unrealistic conditions” and failing to follow Oslo mandates. Seeking statehood also “serves to undermine Israel’s confidence in the PA as a legitimate partner for peace and could cause a breakdown in relations between the parties, making” future negotiation harder.

Fact check

AIPAC’s extremist, racist agenda comes out in comments like these. 

You can’t make this stuff up. But there it is in direct quotes.  

Only those ignorant of basic facts buy it. Others aware of what Palestinians endure condemn Israel and its supporters.  

A previous article said Oslo promised final status talks in five years. It didn’t happen and won’t in 50 or 500 if left up to Israel. As a result, Palestinians and their supporters long ago lost confidence in Israel because of its contempt for doing the right thing.

AIPAC claims upgrading Palestine above its present status “may set back talks for years.” It will also make it harder for Israel “to enter talks when unacceptable results are the baseline.”

Fact check

The “baseline” is justice!

“The United States must continue to oppose Palestinian efforts at the United Nations and urge the Palestinians to return to the negotiation table.”

Fact check

That’s a direct order. Congress and Obama officials salute and obey, knowing what unacceptable alternative awaits objectors. 

“The Palestinians should face consequences if they continue to defy the United States and press forward with their UN statehood bid.”

Fact check

AIPAC calls asking for legitimate rights “Palestinian incitement.” 

No matter. If Palestinians pursue theirs, AIPAC wants them to “face consequences,” including all aid cut off, their PLO Washington office closed, and maybe perhaps Cast Lead II against all Palestine, claiming self-defense against dangerous Palestinians only wanting trouble.

In fact, AIPAC will say anything, fabricate any threat, pressure and lie to get what it wants at the expense of peace-loving people wanting and deserving the same rights as Jews. 

That’s a real extremist agenda!

A Final Comment

On September 16, The New York Times published Anti-Defamation League (ADL) national director Abraham Foxman’s anti-Palestinian broadside headlined, “The UN Vote on a Palestinian State,” regurgitating a litany of racist lies about Palestine.

Calling its statehood pursuit a “mistake,” he accused it of “refus(ing) to negotiate with Israel….sign(ing) a coalition agreement with terrorist Hamas and now….bring(ing) this counterproductive initiative to the United Nations once again….rais(ing) serious questions about Palestinian intentions.”

As Foxman knows, they’re crystal clear. Palestinians want and deserve the same rights as Jews. He wants them denied.

So does Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) president Morton Klein in a disgraceful September 14 press release, thanking Obama for saying he’ll veto a Palestinian statehood bid in New York. 

Calling it “wrong and strategically dangerous if (Abbas) obtain(s) statehood by circumventing negotiations and peace-making with Israel,” he concluded with hateful, reprehensible comments, saying: 

“We dare not establish a racist, anti-Semitic terrorist beggar state that this would surely be. This is especially so at a time when the PA continues to engage in incitement to hatred and murder in its media, mosques, schools and youth camps and has signed a unity government agreement with the ‘kill the Jews’ Hamas terrorist organization.” 

Established in 1897, ZOA is America’s oldest Zionist organization. Whatever its early agenda, it’s now an embarrassment and national disgrace, given hatemongers like Klein as leaders.

Hopefully growing numbers of Jews and others will repudiate his abhorrent ideology, opting instead for peace, reconciliation and justice for all.

Klein, Foxman, AIPAC officials, and others like them haven’t a clue what they mean.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at   Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.



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