The attack on Scott Olsen: now for the repercussions

MICHAEL RIVERO—WhatReallyHappened
Occupy Oakland Crackdown:
Hells Angels Join OWS: US Marine Scott Olsen condition still critical

Tired of being mistreated and denied their lawful rights by the police, sooner or later the people will respond in kind and then all hell will break loose. In such an eventuality, keep an eye on how the media distort the news to suit its masters.  

We are hoping that Scott is going to recover fully from this assault on him but there is no question he has galvanized the attention and focus of the entire Military… we are hearing from every branch of the service that Veterans and serving rank and file are going to be joining with the occupy protesters in the streets of America because they realize they are being attacked, and they are watching as this super committee is savaging their veterans benefits… they are cutting of their medical care and Scott walked his talk, he put on the uniform of the USA and served two tours in Iraq and he comes home and this is how the government he fought for treats him when he dares to stand up and stay “I disagree with how the nation is being run.” So they shoot him in the head. 

The tactical similarities to Israel’s treatment of nonviolent Palestinian protesters were obvious to many, but they go deeper than that. Max Blumenthal writes the Oakland police used many of the same weapons: 

Same weapons of mass suppression used by Israelis and Oakland police:

The police repression on display in Oakland reminded me of tactics I witnessed the Israeli army employ against Palestinian popular struggle demonstrations in occupied West Bank villages like Nabi Saleh, Ni’lin and Bilin. So I was not surprised when I learned that the same company that supplies the Israeli army with teargas rounds and other weapons of mass suppression is selling its dangerous wares to the Oakland police. The company is Defense Technology, a Casper, Wyoming based arms firm that claims to “specialize in less lethal technology” and other “crowd management products.” Defense Tech sells everything from rubber-coated teargas rounds that bounce in order to maximize gas dispersal to 40 millimeter “direct impact” sponge rounds to “specialty impact” 12 gauge rubber bullets. 

Michael Rivero is a talk show host. Michael was born in Boston and spent his childhood in New Hampshire. He launched, initially called Rancho Runamukka, in 1993 after the Vince Foster murder.

Until late August 2010, Rivero ran the Whatreallyhappened radio show on GCN, airing six days a week. He also frequently spoke about political affairs with radio host and Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show. From August 23rd 2010 Rivero airs his show at Republic Broadcasting, running from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Central Time. As usual, podcasts will be available..

Mike Rivero was named The Anti-Neocon of the month August 2007 by for his years of work exposing zionist infiltrations and israeli lies and deceptions on his website WRH (

His WRH website is among the top ten ranked daily political news sites on the Internet. Rivero is highly critical of the governments of Israel and the infiltration of United States policy by Dual Citizen . Rivero often says on his radio show that “America needs politicians that put America first, second, and third.” He is also notable as the host of a radio show. 

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