OpEds: “A dozen bankers are destroying civilization- and governments don’t care”

By Lila York

A handful of greedy bankers are intent on destroying civilization while the governments of nations – which presumably exist for the welfare of their people – sit by and let it happen. The populations of the world, including us, are now condemned to slavery and misery – unless we find a way to stop them. The big banks must be shut down permanently, and that will take many millions of us in the streets.


Confessions of an Economic Hitman“.  You will forgive me if I have omitted nations – the CIA and the bankers are relentlessly busy). Now many of those nations are prospering and free of indebtedness to US bankers – probably forever. (They barter oil for other commodities in order to avoid the US dollar completely). So what was a greedy banker to do?   He had to find new victims.  

excess of  the entire GDP of America.  (As of January of this year,   the national GDP was 15 trillion and 816 million dollars;   the national debt rose to 15 trillion plus 65 billion dollars.) Fed policy is confusing, even for those who follow it, but suffice it to say that if all of that newly- created cash had not been siphoned into stock and commodity speculation – ending up in the Cayman Island bank accounts of corporate CEO’s and bankers – but instead had gone into the economy – jobs, education, clean energy and infrastructure – the   entire debt situation would look much better, since millions more Americans would be paying income taxes and   be off of the food stamp rolls.

Rate of money creation by Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis

Rate at which money reaches the economy by Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis

Fed stated in comments of its last meeting that it is planning to devalue the dollar by another 33% over the next twenty years. Mind you the dollar has already lost over 30% of its value, so that totals up to a 63% loss of purchasing power over a thirty year period.Translation: A Depression economy coupled with hyperinflation driving up the cost of living to unseen levels.

article on why CEO’s and bankers get paid millions to do middle class jobs: Because they are sociopaths); and B) Nobody in Congress, the White House or the courts is interested in stopping them. They own Congress, the White House and the courts, so forget petitions and phone calls to your reps. They don’t care either. (There are exceptions – Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, for one, described the bank bailout as a “financial coup d’etat” carried out in the middle of the night without consent of Congress).   I would go further. It was a hold-up.   Hank Paulsen pointed a gun at Barney Frank’s head and threatened to pull the trigger unless he handed over every last dime in the United States Treasury.   When the House voted down the bailout, he held true to his threat and tanked the Dow another 700 points overnight.  In the end, Paulsen got every last dime in the US treasury.  And since he was not required to account for what he did with it, we can only assume it went to bonus pay for the bankers who destroyed the lives of 350 million Americans.

who to worry about? The bankers at Goldman Sachs?  Yes, that is what he meant.   We need to give them something to worry about.  They actually are terrified of us, the people. Why else cancel Posse Comitatus and build all of those concentration camps around the country?   Why else pass legislation nullifying all rights guaranteed to the people by the US constitution, including habeas corpus and the right to a trial?   Yes, we need to give them something to worry about. How many millions in the street will that take?   Many. Many millions. And all of that must happen before this next election.   If the relatively discrete demonstrations of the Occupy movements changed the conversation in Washington and led Obama onto a new path, what would a Tahrir Square accomplish?  Much more.


Lila York is a choreographer and activist. She has traded the markets since 1990.





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