Name the country: Stupid, prudish, hypocritical, and neurotic—from the start.

Editor’s Note:
By Patrice Greanville

Name the country:

The case of the aberrant (hypersexed) teachers

When it comes to mores, America can easily place as medieval. Its bluenose streak is legendary. 

A case in point is the [female] teachers —many of them pinup material by any standard—who have been accused of having sex with young males. The moral contradictions and the double standard in such cases grotesque, especially in a culture  where sex and its multiple titillations —from television to billboards—serve as the prime prop for a pervasive marketing system. But the anachronism of taking a young woman (or any woman for that matter) to court for having intimate, consensual relations with a very much willing young male is plain and simple Olympic-class idiocy.  Why, in most of the rational world young men actively seek, often with the encouragement of parents, any kind of initiation into the arts of intimacy with willing “adult” females. In old-fashioned class-divided nations such as those in the Mediterranean and Latin America, the lowly maid is usually the willing (or just as frequently unwilling) partner in such rites of passage. It’s so common as to be a staple plot-line in Mexican telenovelas. 

As usual, the situation in America is precisely the reverse: here healthy, middle class, educated women, for the most part highly desirable, offer themselves willingly to such youths. But here such natural and overwhelmingly harmless liaisons are deemed to be a crime worthy of lifelong stigmata. far too many prigs seem to forget that such activity—as advised by Wilhelm Reich—could serve to defuse a lot of male juvenile hooliganism. Not only that, but most women, even at their worst, can be a mighty civilizing force. Sex in and for itself among consenting partners (the youths involved were adolescents, some pretty long in the tooth, not infants) needs no defense—except in America, of course. The ludicrous dimension that such warped attitudes attain is difficult to believe. The latest eruption of this disgusting narrowmindedness involves a popular cheerleader.  As summed up in a satirical YouTube post (see below),


The absolutely deranged, intrusively petty and terminally twisted mindset of these people is as evident as it’s indefensible.  Who the hell writes these inane laws in the United States?  One would wish that such manifestations, while possible, were rare, but they are not.  Consider a similar recent case: 

Female gym teacher accused of sex acts with football players

Feb. 8, 2011 

MASON (Ohio)— A female Mason high school gym teacher is accused of having sexual misconduct with five students, most of them football players at the school.

A Warren County grand jury on Friday indicted Stacy Schuler of Springboro on 16 counts of sexual battery, a third-degree felony; and three misdemeanor counts of offenses involving underage persons.

Schuler, who will turn 33 next week, allegedly had sexual contact with the students on five different occasions between August and December, according to officials with the Warren County Prosecutor’s Office. She also allegedly bought alcohol for the students, according to the indictment.

Prosecutors said the alleged sex acts, mostly with football players at Mason High School, occurred off school grounds.

My, the poor babies! As if football players everywhere were not notorious for binge drinking, rough-housing and promiscuous sexuality!  Meanwhile, the press, conformity concubine that it is, talks glibly with a straight face about the “sexual assaults”, as if these females had actually committed serious violent crimes. The cases of Schuler and Jones are bad enough, but there are even more egregious cases. Just think of the even more bizarre case of Debra Lafave, whose incandescent, centerfold looks could have ignited a six-year old. 

Lafave’s witch-hunt

Debra Jean Beasley, better known under her former married name of Debra Lafave, (born August 28, 1980) was a former English teacher at Angelo L. Greco Middle School in Temple Terrace, Florida. She pleaded guilty in 2005 to “Lewd or Lascivious Battery” (sic). The charges stemmed from a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old student in the summer of 2004. Horror of horrors, according to the indictment, “Lafave had oral sex and sexual intercourse with the student on four different occasions.” In France and Italy and other civilized nations she might have been given a medal for providing sexual relief to an adolescent.  Alas, not here. In short order her career was over, and jail loomed large. According to the Wiki,

“Investigating officers pursued the case after being notified by the 14-year-old boy’s mother.[6] Officers tape-recorded conversations between Lafave and the boy, then arrested her at their next meeting. Two separate sets of charges were filed, because the alleged incidents occurred in two different counties. A trial date was set after the defense would not agree on a plea bargain that involved prison time.

Shortly before the trial was scheduled to begin, the boy’s mother learned that it was to be covered by Court TV and agreed to a plea bargain with no prison time in order to avoid her young son having to testify in court.[7] Lafave pleaded guilty under the agreement and was sentenced to three years of Community Control (house arrest), seven years of probation, and forced to register as a sex offender, along with various other requirements.[8] There was widespread skepticism as to whether a man guilty of lewd or lascivious battery would have received similar treatment.[7][9]

On December 8, 2005, the judge in the second county refused to accept plea-agreement terms that included no prison time and set a trial date for April 10, 2006. The prosecutor in that case later dropped the charges.” (1)


The imbroglio’s burden and endless disruptions forced Lafave to admit that her actions had been the product of a medical condition, thereby consecrating the notion that such absurd persecution was actually a triumph for normalcy. Those acquainted with American culture know that many stupid and even criminal behaviors are “forgiven” provided the defendant “medicalizes” his affliction. Indeed,

“Lafave later attributed her indiscretions to bipolar disorder, which is associated with intense and irregular mood swings, and with hypersexuality and poor judgment during manic episodes.[14] (See Wiki entry footnote)
Patrice Greanville is editor in chief of The Greanville Post. He obviously thinks women are terrific, at any age. 









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