Mitt Romney’s Issues (that He Doesn’t Want Discussed)


In historical Mormonism, the church and state were fully integrated in the person of Brigham Young. Of course, it has not been, on paper at least, since 1890 when Utah made its deal to join the Union. But the important point now is, where does Romney stand on this question? To my knowledge, he has not answered it directly. But what he has said in the vicinity of the question must give pause for thought to those of us concerned with maintaining that separation. (Some would say, given, for example, the Hyde Amendment on abortion rights for the poor and its progeny, and the homosexual discrimination laws on the books in about 30 states and Federal statue as well, see DOMA, that we need to concerned with re-establishing it). Consider the following.

The Progress Report (, May 23, 2012.

3. The Book of Mormon, Salt Lake City, Utah: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

6. Mitt Romney Press, May 12, 2012

Contributing editor Steven Jonas, MD, MPH is also a Professor of Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook University (NY) and author/co-author/editor/co-editor of over 30 books. In addition to being a columnist for BuzzFlash/Truthout (,, he is the Managing Editor of and a Contributing Author to

ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG! (Hmm…that got your attention, uh?)

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