Our poor in uniform killing “their” poor —world terrorism for the benefit of the few


The Video the Pentagon doesn’t want you to see!   

Editorial suggestion and intro deck by Jenelle Green, LWL
Thank you, Jenelle.

Pathetically brainwashed people: They think they’re supporting the troops, but they’re supporting a global criminal enterprise. Ask Kissinger, or any of the cynical billionaires or Wall Street manipulators, or prostituted creatures in Congress and White House, what they really think about our wars “for freedom” and “democracy”. If they told the truth, which would be miraculous, and such truth was repeated sufficiently for the distracted, ignorant American public to “hear” the message, the empire of privilege would unravel.  But don’t hold your breath. Manufactured imbecility and ignorance will keep this sinister and supremely hypocritical empire going for a long time.—Eds

“The U.S. Military is an institution that is corrupt [and] whose foundation is predicated on spreading death. They get congratulations for “first kill”, rapes, suicides, planted “evidence”, blatant racism….The U.S. Military are TERRORISTS for the empire’s elite and their quest for control of the world’s resources. Our taxes fund these terrorists.”   [Watch video below]

ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG! (Hmm…that got your attention, uh?)

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