Voices of the Wildly Left ( #1)

Excerpts from Links for the Wildly Left (LWL)
Radical thoughts for changing times | Edited by Sean Lenihan
A Facebook group founded by Diane Gee, and kept vibrant by a very dedicated
band of radicals.

Moods  |  Frustration

Jstn Green
My good friend, Keith Farris wrote this awesome comment. I just had to share it (with permission, of course)…

“I am tired of the same old dusty book jacket. Of the time worn refrain of the needle stuck at 33 revolutions per minute. Of the hard copies and the soft copies and the floppies of the same old song and dance. I am tired of your dizzying array of stupefying choices and your sham offering of freedom. Of the vitriol of the cynical, and the self-serving indifference of the apathetic. I have been both at one time or another…sister and brother…and I am tired. I can no longer rest silently, content with the crumbs thrown down from the murderous elite. I have found that – after all – I do have a conscience, and I am nothing if I do not follow it. I choose to live free, without fear of judgement and without fear of retribution. I will strike first, don’t make me draw blood. I’m tired of your indiscriminate murders to fill your pork bellies and your fatbacks, tired of your indiscretionary funds stealing the retirement funds of common folk – or – as you might pejoratively put it the “salt of the earth.” I’m tired of your false idol worshiping and your American idol worshiping and of your carefully scripted “reality” television and what’s Kelly Osbournes bra size and Donald Trumps’ hairline and how many Kardashians are fucking going swimming. I tired of the whole damned sinking ship of fools and I for one will not paddle for you anymore…fuck you.”

Terry Tompkins wrote: “Damn fine thread! Kudos to you Keith for kicking it off with an honest, insightful rant…I echo your “fuck you”. Also to Chip and Joe for their observations regarding complicity and agency. Chip, I also read the Alternet piece on Chomsky. He is, to mind mind, correct in his assertion that we are all, to some extent, complicit. Where I see the difference between those here and those at Goldman Sachs et al, is that it pisses us off and we want to bring it to a halt. Whereas those at Goldman who make the vile decisions are positively orgasmic (without the lovely Judiths help) and want it to go on forever.”

Jenelle Green
Posted today by Chomsky.
Charters were brought up yesterday. Charters define rules for lawful activity. Noam is speaking of the earliest type of Charters that have been decimated.

The Charter of Liberties, is widely recognized to be the foundation of the fundamental rights.
The Charter of the Forest imposed limits to privatization….In the lead in confronting the crisis throughout the world are indigenous communities, those who have always upheld the Charter of the Forests. The strongest stand has been taken by the one country they govern, Bolivia, the poorest country in South America and for centuries a victim of western destruction of the rich resources of one of the most advanced of the developed societies in the hemisphere, pre-Columbus.

Paul Belanger
My heart aches for the victims and families of the tragic shooting in CO last night.

But I have to tell you, my heart aches even more for 123 Americans who die every single day just because they lack health insurance, for the 25% of children in our country who live in poverty, for the millions of families who are homeless due to the greed of our leaders, for the endless list of victims and displaced people due to war by us and others, and on and on.

So seeing Obama on TV this morning saying this is not a day for politics but a day for “prayer” for the victims in CO….I say everyday is not a day for politics.

Jenelle Green from my wall….

I’m completely disgusted by Obama’s speech regarding the Colorado movie theater shooting. He continues to spew “god bless you and god bless America” and says all that matters in the end is how we treat others. He reflected that his kids go to the movies and how sad this event is for America. Really? If he cared about how we treat others and if he really cared about his OWN kids future, he would stop the premeditated killing of others. He is no different than the movie theater killer. If he cared about his OWN kids future, he would make efforts to SAVE the Planet. Lastly, his spewing of the god rhetoric is beyond disgusting. As if faith makes all of this evil okay. When has praying EVER made a difference? ACTION makes a difference.

Sean Lenihan I totally share Jenelle’s disgust. It literally revolted me to watch this incredibly filthy and hypocritical politician scoring some points on this tragic photo op…regaling the nation with more empty rhetoric as if he cared. If he REALLY cared he would have fought for real healthcare reform not the bullshit he chose to endorse, and a million other things where he has shown time and again that he cares zero for the people. And he’s an unindicted war criminal, to boot, engaged up to his eyeballs in the plotting of even greater and more brutal wars.


Floyd Hacker But..that’s what every shitwhistle president does..go on tv & give an absolute bullshit session on behalf of the so called “moralists” out here, it’s like a signal or switch that says it’s ok, capitalism, christianism, the NRA, white supremacy, the Confederacy movement, etc has been apologized to, so nothing more to see here, when in fact, those afore mentioned had an influence on a tragedy like this happening, they count on it, these tragedies don’t occur near enough as far as they are concerned..& it is a good bet, that if indeed this shooter is a white supremacist, or teabagger, then the incident & the shooter will be jumbled up into a pretzel so that no one will ever get the truth of the what’s, why’s, so on..& most Muricans in less than two weeks won’t even remember that it happened, corpo rat Murica will see to that..drown’em in propaganda, garbage, toxic crap, that’s how it’s done..

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