The whoremedia refrain: “They died for our country.” Really?

Patrice Greanville

EVERY SINGLE DAY Americans are literally bombarded with “news” and pronouncements about our imperial wars in which those who die in those remote battlefields are consecrated as heroes who “died for our country.”

As is the case with all BIG lies, sheer repetition becomes pseudo truth and that’s enough to mislead the public into acquiescence in the US leadership’s global crimes. More tragic, as a result of unrelenting chauvinist propaganda or economic pressure, many families even invest their sons and daughters in such morally repugnant adventures.  When losses occur, it is they who carry the pain.

I’m willing to bet that —for the most part—the overpaid brainless people who read the news on American television probably don’t give such proclamations much if any importance. For the vast majority, it’s just a job, and the wars, lacking in any real impact at home, do not command—try as they might to evidence some emotion—any kind of lasting resonance.  This is almost inevitable for a medium that never stops, never pauses, and that in its congenital insolent meretriciousness is liable to mix without missing a beat, with sociopathic indifference, images and narratives of huge tragedies with the irritating, intrusive banalities of a spot for pizza.  What’s more, in the cockpit of a television studio, with its many technical and esthetic distractions, the “news deliverers” are far more likely to be preoccupied about their hair being out of place or the mike not registering properly than about the subject at hand. In such atmosphere of both ignorance and banality, great crimes are routinely endorsed. But for whose advantage? Not for the sake of ordinary Americans, since imperial wars make far more enemies than friends for America, although they fabulously enrich a few and secure power for the elite across the planet.

Most thinking Americans know that whatever these unfortunate people in uniform died for, they did not die for America, even if they believed that such was the case (the brainwash is universal).  The last war with a shred of moral and strategic justification was World War 2.  America proper is not being attacked today nor is it liable to be attacked in the near future by any real power justifying these enormously costly military budgets and wars. Truth is, this infernal American-induced mayhem is a lot more about global domination than national defense.

The complicity of the media barons and their top lieutenants and “star” personnel in the promotion and whitewashing of unnecessary wars is an international crime. By rights, these people should some day be brought before tribunals to answer for their witting or unwitting complicity in these horrific adventures.

Below, just one case and by no means egregious example of this ideological cancer constantly disseminated by the American media. Fixated on their power, money and careers, this short-term focused people are literally responsible for the world falling apart.—PG


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