War of Words on Iran

By Stephen Lendman

If words could kill, imperial Washington long ago would have returned Iran to its nightmarish Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi days.

Propaganda wars rage daily. Tehran is wrongfully called an existential threat. Imagine a country wanting peace accused of belligerent intents. Repeating it enough times gets people to believe it. Big lies have impact.  London’s Telegraph supplied the latest. More on it below. Perhaps it’s connected to what’s shaping up to be an impressive August 26 – 31 Non-Alignment Movement Tehran meeting. Officials from over 100 countries will attend. On August 22, the Tehran Times said over 50 “will participate….at the level of president, prime minister, king, and vice president and this number will probably increase.” 

So far, around 150 delegations will attend. They’ll be joined by representatives from about 20 international organizations. “Special guests” are also expected.  Top officials coming include Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Cuban leader Raul Castro, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, Hugo Chavez, Hamid Karzi, Lebanese President Michel Suleiman, Azerbaijani President IIham Aliyev, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe among others.

Despite heavy Israeli and Western pressure not to come, the UN News Centre said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will attend. According to his spokesman:

A Final Comment

On August 21, convicted Iran/Contra criminal Elliot Abrams headlined his Weekly Standard article “Time to Authorize Use of Force Against Iran.”

Abrams is one of Paul Ryan’s advisors. He’s tutoring him on foreign policy. Topic one is waging war on independent states. Ryan is a George Bush adherent. He calls himself a “defense hawk.” He’s committed to mass slaughter and destruction. So is Abrams, saying:

“At the moment, no one is persuaded that the United States will use force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. That situation worries Israelis and emboldens Iranians, not the outcome we want.”

“A clear statement now that is backed by the nominees of both parties and elicits widespread support in Congress would demonstrate that, whatever the election results, American policy is set.”

Post-9/11, Congress gave Bush a blank check to wage war. It approved the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) for “the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.”

Bush took full advantage. Permanent wars rage. Abrams wants more. So do other neocon hawks. Iran is target one. Plans call for full-blown Syrian escalation. Exposing and denouncing imperial schemes is essential. What greater priority than that.


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


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