Curry-Jolie: Neatly packaged warmongering duo

Patrice Greanville

Jolie: Clueless on Syria but good propaganda foil

It’s no secret for those who haven’t been asleep the last few centuries that the American media are excellent at “softening opposition” at home by preparing the American public for military or CIA adventures, wherever and whenever the Washington camarillas decide the time has come to strike. The American media have a long history as an imperial enabler.

The case of Iraq is naturally the most egregious and tragic example in recent memory, but the same cynical script has been applied over and over again in many other places—from Korea (1950), to Iran (1953) to Guatemala (1954),  to Vietnam (1959), to Chile (1973) to Libya—and this is just a sampler of US meddling in the postwar period.  Our imperial depredations go back to the 19th century and much of the first part of the 20th. Remember the Philippines and Cuba?  Does Augusto Cesar Sandino ring any bells? (Bill Blum, a frequent contributor, has written a helpful guide to this obnoxious record, Rogue State.)

Right now, as we write these lines, the American media and their criminal counterparts in Europe and elsewhere are busily demonizing the Syrian and Iranian governments, with the usual sinister consequences for such peoples and the world at large. This follows a literal script for “regime change and destabilization.”  Yes, there’s a manual for it. We ran an excellent piece on exactly this topic,

Going Rogue: America’s Unconventional Warfare in the Mideast

Check it out. It will open your eyes in case they are still half shut.

As a result of this unrelenting barrage of misinformation, event manipulation (think false flags)  and blatant omissions of truth, a formula that frequently requires a fair amount of jingoism to make it work, and which, mind you, never lets up, most Americans remain blissfully ignorant or indifferent in terms of what American power is up to in the world, preferring to believe the usual flattering falsehoods served up by the establishment. It is in this perfidious matrix of lies that mass communications creatures like Ann Curry and Angeline Jolie (they’re basically interchangeable when it comes to these purposes) wittingly or unwittingly prove their usefulness to the system.  Curry of course is a media celeb attached to NBC news, which makes her, by definition, a media scoundrel. Jolie, a clueless but famous liberal and would-be do-gooder currently anointed by the UN, is an interloper who, along with fellow celebs George Clooney, Sean Penn, Mia Farrow and others, have lent their names and faces to campaigns for “humane intervention” —the latest fad for self-realization in this politically besotted and useless lot.  Anyone of these lightweights may be found at any given time offering the Pentagon a convenient public relations cover for precisely what it plans to do in various targeted regions.

Regarding the “news item” below, if you still don’t quite get what’s happening in Syria, just do a little search in our files and a multitude of articles will pop up explaining it all.  But whatever you do, don’t fall for these elaborate tricks. Stay sharp.  And pass your wisdom to others.

Media critic Patrice Greanville is founding editor of The Greanville Post.

Angelina Jolie visits Syrian border, pleads for end to ‘horrific situation’
By Randee Dawn, TODAY contributor
The Syrian civil war has been raging for more than a year and a half, and Tuesday morning a fresh face stepped into the mix, as Angelina Jolie visited the Al Zaatri refugee camp near the country’s border with Jordan. TODAY’s Ann Curry was on hand to find out what the actress saw, and what it all meant.

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