Help us make it possible: End factory farming in our lives


Editor’s Note: Our friends at United Poultry Concerns have sent us this message asking our assistance to spread the word about this campaign, and we are not only happy but privileged to do so. The fight against human tyranny over animals is a fight for justice—it’s as simple as that.  Humans inflict innumerable wounds on animals every single day, but nothing compares to the industrialization of animal cruelty embodied in the system of factory farms.  If compassion has not been replaced by indifference and cynicism in your heart, or the usual multitude of rationalizations that so many use to avoid looking at this ugly reality in the eye…do the right thing and think it over. Then change. It’s not that hard.—P. Greanville

Flight From Farm to Freedom: “Make It Possible”
Must See TV from Animals Australia!

Dear Friends,

Please watch – and hear – this beautiful message on behalf of farmed animals. But please remember that “a place for us” is not just outside of a “factory farm” but OFF THE FARM & OFF OUR PLATES. Make It Possible: Choose Life. Leave behind your meat-based diet—for their sake and for yourself.

A look Inside Chinese Fur Farms

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