Did the headline shock you? Did it offend your sensibilities? If it did, if it looked like an audacious oxymoronic statement, it speaks highly for your sense of decency and level of cultural and political literacy. If it didn’t and you just bumped into this out of curiosity, read on. It concerns you in more ways than you imagine. We’re talking here about mental pollution, pardner, of the worst possible type, concocted, and disseminated with cold-blooded premeditation (not to mention delivered worldwide with absolute impunity) by the greatest malefactors of our time. Of which BP is certainly one of the most egregious.  This firm alone could have wiped out one of the planet’s most crucial and marvelous ecosystems, along with all its creatures, and it may still do it. Its compulsive predation is far from over since the prostituted politicians of the world —starting with the Americans—are not about to do anything remotely resembling controlling such firms.  They are their servants. But you know all this—or maybe not. So let’s examine. Here’s the summary to BP’s latest effort at “wiping the slate clean” after the image disaster it rightfully received in 2010 during the crisis. Needless to say, the Gulf catastrophe has proved a godsend for the advertising gnomes, who have filled their already bloated filthy pockets with the dollars and pounds dished out by BP to cover its tracks and repel a possible public backlash.

CAMPAIGN: “BP’s Commitment to America”

  • Vetted for veracity by the media: No (They don’t care. Fuck them.)
  • Hypocrisy rating: 100 (out of 100)
  • Main location on you tube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BPplc#p
  • Main website: http://www.bp.com/bodycopyarticle.do?categoryId=1&contentId=7052055
  • The official lines: “All’s well in the Gulf”, “New ads promote tourism along the Gulf Coast”
  • The impertinent question: How does Fred Lemond (and other shills) feel about fronting for this corporate criminal?
  • The really really important question: who is behind these stinking lies (besides the management and the owners, of course?
  • The answer: WPP, PLC
  • WPP at a glance
  • But what is WPP???? 


You can read the whole story on the WIKI, but these facts should make it clear that when it comes to its public front BP fittingly travels with the best of the worst humanity has been able to assemble in the area of professional deceit.

WPP (which is unfortunately far from alone in this racquet, an inevitable offshoot of capitalism) is a poisonous ideological octopus that should be extirpated forthwith from the face of the planet. It is eloquent proof—as if we needed further evidence— that the current global system is rotten to the core and without a possibility of remedy or salvation. Its précis just about says it all; it includes an impressive roster of advertising groups that already made their mark in distorting reality for billions of people over many decades, and its p.r. arm houses the filthiest and most sordid firms in the business, whitewashing many of the most execrable criminals—financial and political—that have crossed the stage of history in recent decades.  And they continue to do so, with great elan, impunity, and profitability to those who own them, and without experiencing a single atom of regret or remorse, something about which they know absolutely zero.

[2][4] It owns a number of advertising, public relations and market research networks, including GreyBurson-MarstellerHill & KnowltonJWTOgilvy GroupTNS and Young & Rubicam.[2]

WPP has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It has a secondary listing on NASDAQ.

THE ACCOMPLICES: The global corporate media.
It’s all very cozy, really, all in the family. And all very, very toxic for humanity and every living thing on the planet.