OpEds: There Is No American Left

The American political system, corporate-owned and consequently staunchly reactionary and shamelessly hypocritical, is widely regarded by progressives around the world as the worst obstacle to desperately needed advances in all areas, from the long-sabotaged accomplishment of social justice and peace for the vast majority of humanity (including most Americans) to the literal saving of the planet itself.  Below, a perceptive analysis by a colleague in this global struggle. —Eds.

By Salvatore Babones, Crosspost with Truthout


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. (Photo: Iowa Democrats / Flickr)
NOTE: This article originally appeared in Australian Options magazine, to which we recommend our readers.

arch-conservative Barry Goldwater reportedly wondered in amazement that he and presidential candidate Bob Dole were by then on the left of the Republican party. Goldwater died in 1998; both parties have since moved much farther to the right. Today, Goldwater would be considered left even for a Democrat.

Over the past forty years, America has become much more politically correct with regard to gender and sexuality. Men do not openly display calendars featuring topless models on their office walls, and public gay bashing is now considered inappropriate, even in Republican circles. But gender and sexuality are issues that transcend social class. Even rich, powerful men have gay children – or may be gay themselves. Even rich, powerful men have wives.

On every other issue, America – or at least American politics – has swung violently to the right. The more social class is involved, the further to the right America has swung. Poverty was once a social disease to be cured; it is now an individual crime to be punished. Put it down to individualism, conservatism, neoliberalism, or whatever -ism you want, America is now the world’s greatest reactionary force.

Unfortunately, all the evidence is that the rest of the world is following America down the road to perdition. Nowhere are national health insurance schemes, access to free education, and old age pensions being expanded. Nowhere is the world moving forward. Everywhere the social gains of the twentieth century are either being eroded, or destroyed.

The mid-late twentieth century may or may not turn out to have been the highpoint of human civilization. Progress may yet return. But if it does, it will not be led by the United States. It will be resisted by the United States. It’s up to the rest of the world to provide the hope for the future that once emanated from Washington, New York, and California. Otherwise you will become just like us.

This piece was reprinted by Truthout with permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license from the source.


salvatoreBabonesSalvatore Babones (@sbabones) is a senior lecturer in sociology and social policy at the University of Sydney in Australia and an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) in Washington, DC.