Michael Moore: “I Don’t support the troops”


The fourth and fifth resolutions in particular, in which he criticizes American citizens for joining the armed forces, have sparked particular controversy. The fourth reads:

4. Stop saying, “I support the troops.” I don’t. I used to. I understand why so many enlisted after 9/11. Sadly, many of them were then trapped and sent off to invade Iraq. I felt for all of them. I understood those who joined because of a lousy economy. But at some point all individuals must answer for their actions, and now that we know our military leaders do things that have nothing to do with defending our lives, why would anyone sign up for this rogue organization?

Moore then followed with resolution No. 5:

5. Apologize for No. 4. I have enormous respect for anyone who would offer to sacrifice their life to defend my right to live. Is there any greater gift one can give another? It’s not the troops’ fault they’re sent to invade other countries for dubious reasons and outright lies. It’s OUR responsibility to prevent this, to elect representatives who believe in peace, and to only put our troops in harm’s way when it’s absolutely necessary. My uncle was killed in World War II. Today would have been his 90th birthday. My dad still misses him. Our family has served this country in the military since the Revolutionary War. None of them watch Fox News.

Reactions ranged from anger to agreement to polite dismissal.

James E. Koutz, the National Commander of The American Legion, the nation’s largest veteran’s organization, shrugged off Moore’s sentiments, noting that everyone has a right to their opinions thanks to those who have fought for those rights.

“What I can say is that The American Legion fully supports all the men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, always has and always will,” Koutz told FOX411.“We don’t need to make a New Year’s resolution for that.”

In the comments following the blog post, a Huffington Post Community Moderator defended Moore’s article:
“Michael is a controversial guy and that means he’s doing things right,” the moderator wrote.

Other readers’ comments were mixed.

“Sometimes he is right and sometimes he isn’t. Controversy doesn’t however mean right. Some things in society really shouldn’t be controversial,” one wrote. Another added: “How about you lose some weight, so that the now socialized medical system in the country, that you fought so hard for, doesn’t have to spend millions trying to keep an obese lazy millionaire healthy.”

Many others on Huffington Post supported Moore’s stance.

“Love the soldiers, hate the wars is how I’ve always felt. I never did hate the soldiers coming back from Vietnam like some people did,” one wrote. “But I do hate these useless wars.”

But Moore’s article sparked widespread outrage in social media: “Michael Moore’s Resolution: “Stop saying, “I support the troops.” I don’t.” -This is about as low as pitiful as someone can be. #disgusting” one tweeted.

“Michael Moore is done feeling sorry for the poor saps who enlisted in the Armed Forces of the United States. He has withdrawn his support. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. You couldn’t possibly make this stuff up,” another wrote.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/01/02/michael-moore-resolves-to-stop-saying-support-troops-in-2013/#ixzz2GsBELFiF