Du Patience…Our site is recuperating

Last Monday (Jan. 21), at 12.05 am The Greanville Post went down, victim of a hacking attack, or in tech jargon, “a DOS” (denial of service).  People arriving at the site were presented with a totally white page. Nothing. Gone. Eventually we were able to put up an alert indicating the site had been disrupted.

We don’t know who did this, although we have our suspects, and we are researching the matter, but we have little hope of identifying the actual originator of this juvenile prank. Of course, it could a matter of harassment, too. TGP is not exactly loved in many quarters. In any case, cybersphere culprits can easily hide their footprints.

All we know is that the hacking was very probably launched via our comments gateway, the very reason why we maintain an extremely strict control over who can post to this site.  On a more pessimistic side, some have concluded that “Someone Up There just DOESN’T LIKE US.”

How does this affect you? Readers may experience some occasional annoying quirks: broken images, links that may not respond, things of that nature, but at this point nothing major. In time we will be able to eliminate most of the disturbances and put this totally behind us. And the work will go on. In the interim period, please bear with us and check later if you don’t immediately find what you are looking for.

Incidentally, this is costing us far more than we anticipated. We normally don’t ask for donations, but if you can send one at this time we’ll deeply appreciate it. Any amount will be useful. Keep that in mind.

Many thanks.

—The Editors