The Year of the Cat: More Obama Betrayals




Obama continues to show his true (anti-people) colors, but the cheering of the media and Obamabots does not stop.

In 1979 the average rate of inflation, the rate of the costs of goods and services that folks were buying in America rose 11.22%.

Think about what would have happened to old folks on Social Security, if they hadn’t received their annual cost of living increase. Now think about what would have happened to granny if she hadn’t received her COLA (cost of living adjustment) for the years 1979, 1980, 1981. She’d have to sell her false teeth and eat the cat’s food. The combined inflation rate for those three years—36%. If she was scoring $500 a month from her return on investment in Uncle Sam for 30-40 years of work—her real buying power would have been reduced to about $320. Eat the cat.

Mr. Obama, is about to sell grandma out. In his budget proposal, the president is considering changing the COLA adjustment in Social Security. My liberal brethren are aghast that this president might have the ‘audacity to kill hope’ for senior citizens, but hey, this is the guy who sent thousands of troops into Afghanistan, wouldn’t support a single-payer health care system and turned his head on the festering Guantanamo problem. The audacity of audacity.

This president has a legacy problem: his solution is to throw grandma into the streets to appease wealthy plutocrats who call themselves Republicans. If we give-in to the Republicans, this stipend that we grant to old folks in this country—maybe Republicans will give in on closing loopholes such as the carried interest tax rate, which allows hedge fund managers to pay a top rate of only 15% instead of 35%.

I’m reminded of an episode of an old television show, WKRP in Cincinnati, when the weatherman wanted to do a promotion for Thanksgiving he contracted to have a flock of turkeys dropped out of a weather helicopter over the city to give some poor folks a free turkey for Thanksgiving. Problem was, they dropped frozen turkeys.

This president is a frozen turkey.

In a fifth year of a second term, presidents offer the public what is really in their hearts. He has nothing to lose by being honest and forthright about his real positions on war and peace, on justice and healthcare, on his compassion (or lack thereof) for those who have less. This president will not run for the high office again; he is challenged to work with a dysfunctional House of Representatives led by the gun lobby and the international business and banking interests. He has a senate whose members are more concerned about tenure than helping its citizens and who are politically frozen by a super-majority rule that makes common sense and compromise an anathema to reason.

The fight will be joined by a few lobbying groups, the most notable of which will be AARP who will fight the good fight—but in the end will be run over by senators who are at least 5 years away from the next vote and congressional people who squalor in ‘so-called’ safe districts in the South where inbreeding is more of a problem than the body politic.

Is this really the man that the liberal media adores: whose very complexion carries the reminder of bygone times when the disenfranchised in this country were reduced to second-class citizenship, where the choice between buying medicine and food, between heat and rent, between life and death was determined by the greed of the wealthy?

It’s the year of the cat.

MIKE INGLES ruminates about life, politics, culture in his bunker somewhere in Ohio.