Opeds—Ding, Dong: The witch is dead

By Diane Gee, The Wild Wild Left
n unexpurgated broadside by one of the few fearless editors still standing
“I could broaden my audience if I made an f-bomb proof page and spoke gently. Or maybe, if I did that like 100,000 other liberaloids speaking gently on DKos… I would have nothing. I speak unfiltered, saying the things many think, but won’t say, because they care about their image….”

Thatcher. Many declare one of her biggest "accomplishments" was that she "broke the unions."

Thatcher. Many declare one of her biggest “accomplishments” was that she “broke the unions.”

Why yes, she is.  Dead and truly dead. It’s already been determined that I am part of the great unwashed masses, completely ill suited for anything remotely resembling polite company. Yet even I, from the squalor of my white-trashiness potty mouth worry about where the line is when speaking ill of the dead. Not just ill, mind you – but celebrating a death with open glee.I just got a message today, in fact about my lack of gentility. 

I’m a hard core, non-prudish, liberal, atheist, but I find your tasteless posts and comments are counterproductive. They don’t convey a persuasive message, except that you’re trying desperately to offend. Too bad–you’re squandering your influence.

Which I found doubly priceless the day after Gottsy posted about Inappropriate Discourse.

Is it going too far to say… (even though I noted that the large image was way more graphic than the thumbnail portrayed to my failing eyes…) 

Thatcher and Pinochet – Now Appearing in Hell Together! photo 524280_10151519518394330_335537012_.jpg

Perhaps, because even genocidal War Criminals who impoverished their own people while killing others somehow garner respectability when their fetid hearts cease to rhythmically spasm.

I replied:  (below)

Diane Gee :: Ding, Dong….

Warning: Yes, I am prone to scathing satire and willing to lampoon hard-core war criminals on my page. I am unsuitable for Genteel company at times. Polite women never make history and we are all adults here. I don’t go out of my way to offend. I do go out of my way to push the Overton window of what is permissible thought.

Is it bad to speak ill of the dead, let alone celebrate the death of a War Criminal and genocidal enabler? They would like us to think so. I do not. I do not want History rewritten, and I want people to understand the monstrosity of our leaders without filters or rosy lenses.

I wish everyone would “like me” or at least “get me” but they don’t. If I offend thee? Pluck me out.

It may be true. I could broaden my audience if I made an f-bomb proof page and spoke gently. Or maybe, if I did that like 100,000 other liberaloids speaking gently on DKos… I would have nothing.

I speak unfiltered, saying the things many think, but won’t say, because they care about their image.

I don’t care about my image. I’m no one. If I can wake up 100 people and be reviled in the process, my job is done here on Earth.

Let’s examine what is apparently NOT offensive.


Lady Thatcher thanked her old friend [Pinochet] for being an ally during the 1982 Falklands War – and for “bringing democracy to Chile”.  “I know how much we owed to you for your help,” she said.

“The information you gave us, communications, and also the refuge you gave to any of our armed forces who were able, if they were shipwrecked, to make their way to Chile.”

She added: “I’m also very much aware that it is you who brought democracy to Chile, you set up a constitution suitable for democracy, you put it into effect, elections were held, and then, in accordance with the result, you stepped down.”

A Chilean commission investigating human rights abuses under the former military leader Gen Augusto Pinochet says there are many more victims than previously documented.

Commission director Maria Luisa Sepulveda said they had identified another 9,800 people who had been held as political prisoners and tortured.

The new figures bring the total of recognised victims to 40,018.

Democracy Maggie?  You protected him against trial for 2 years?

How about your Colony, the Falklands you insisted on keeping and the 700 or so young Falkland Islanders and Argentinians you killed for wanting their own Democracy?  In ’82, the population of that Island was about 2,800.

Maggie Thatcher killed ONE QUARTER of the population.  Tell me how this is not genocide?

In her own country, she killed Unions, privatized public holdings, and pulled the largest housing scam ever.  Public housing became extinct, and she sold what was left of it to the renters, leaving them underwater in aging, falling apart homes.  More often than not private companies bought the properties as they were repossessed leaving a population that rarely could own land.


She had Victorian morals, and implemented the 1st control of the UK’s art, film and television industry according to her ideas of what was or was not “tasteful.”

Because, you know, naughty art is bad, genocide is quite tasteful.

I have to concur with one of my friends, that I hope they bury her next to Pinochet, and the Zombie Cheney should his heartless corpse ever stop stalking the planet.  It would make it far more convenient to piss on their graves.

Those numbers are numbers to some.  The death tolls.  To me?  They are each a human being, with loves, hopes, family and worth.  She and her BFF Pinochet smote them to get richer, and keep the rich in power. This doesn’t even address the torture of human beings done in both wars.

Fuck it.

Hate me for speaking truth if you must.

But I am glad the Witch is Dead.


Diane Gee edits The Wild Wild Left, as well as Facebook’s Links for the Wildly Left. Her writings appear on many leading progressive venues. 


[Some have said she was a “role model for girls.”] 

I want to projectile vomit.

Are we ourselves so sexist that we would honor a monster because said monster presumably had a vagina?  I think not.

Oh and a big “Fuck you” to NPR who just reported reverently, “that Thatcher “confronted the venal trade unions”.”

Now that is unacceptable speech on both levels. Heh. —DG