SEMI-HUMOUR: Dimwitted beauty contestants

Miss Philippines USA contest—
Question Throws Contestant For a Loop in Miss Philippines USA: “Joanlia Lising”

Dishonesty put egg on the face of the beauty

Why do so many beauty pageant participants look so pathetic when answering kindergarten level questions? Our take is that the embarrassing moments come not only from the pressure of the moment, perfectly natural, considering that these women are still obscure semi-celebs and realize this may be their only chance to climb out of invisibility and relative poverty, but that these hypocritical and asinine questions are built into these contests as a bow to the pressures of feminists and the remnants of old-fashioned petit bourgeois morality, the pretense being that we’re not choosing women on just their curves and raw sexual power, but their totality: body, mind and spirit.  Which is a totally dishonest situation.

[pullquote] These women may not be entirely aware of it, but there’s always the dread they may somehow step outside the permissible limits of this hideously conformity-driven society.[/pullquote]

If you thought that Miss Philippines was bad, what about Miss Utah?

2013 Miss Utah Marissa Powell Messes Up Miss America Question Big Time!