Just about everyone with a modicum of understanding about contemporary events can see that the world is being speedily and recklessly pushed into an abyss of total war and planetary destruction by a hypocritical plutocratic mafia headquartered in Washington, D.C.
If you are a regular reader of The Greanville Post or Cyrano’s Journal Today, you are probably keenly aware of such reality. After all, we are fortunate to have our sites visited by readers with well above average education and political savvy to match. So we won’t waste your time with a long harangue. We simply ask you to do this:
Send the selection of articles in this edition of the Greanville Post Bulletin— many focusing on the imminent criminal war on Syria—to at least three of your friends or kin, preferably 5 or more. Please do not fail to do this.
We are engaged in a battle of communications with the enemies of decent humankind, a battle really of propagandas, and as usual they are winning, but they are winning in large measure because so many people who see themselves as leftist or progressive normally do nothing in the way of disseminating valuable information. Nor do they care to support authentically left media of any kind.
So, as we say above, now that an even more threatening international war is being manufactured, do your part.
Pass the articles on, all by superior observers of current events, and ask the people you forward these materials to file a protest with their (for the most part useless) representatives: senators, congresspeople, and the most worthless of the lot, Obama and his camarilla. We all know that this ruling class has learned to stonewall protests, and thinks nothing of waiting out or co-opting million-people marches, not to mention disarm and dismantle more energetic challenges to the status quo such as Occupy WS. BUT…
For a variety of reasons that respond to the ever-changing calculus of power within ruling circles and their shifting interests, maybe an energetic, articulate protest can have some salutary effect. It won’t be a solution, since the crimes and issues we face stem from the dynamic of the capitalist system itself and not just the moral bankruptcy of its transient current crew…but it may do some good at a point when the good is next to nonexistent.
Lastly, if you can stomach it, contact the media —local, national, television, papers, radio, whatever—to protest and inform. Tell these people what you think, what you know. Tell them you know they are lying, playing the usual role of “stenographers to power,” all over again. That if Iraq and Libya set an appalling precedent, this assault on Syria is simply way beyond the pale. And that you’re fed up.
Ask them if they or the media barons for whom they work have no decency left. Most of your notes will be dismissed outright or thrown in the waste basket—as usual—since they do not conform to their professional or politically approved agenda. But at least you’ll have the pleasure of approaching these criminal enablers on your feet and not on your knees, begging them to do the obvious. Let them mull over the opinions so forcefully and truthfully expressed. It’s really about time. And, who knows, in some places it might start a discussion, especially among smaller papers, where the idea of reader participation is still seriously pursued. The corporate media know that their credibility is their main stock-in-trade, and although it is now as tattered as that of a child molester, they still are loathe to see it evaporate entirely.
In anger and frustration,
Patrice Greanville
Editor in Chief
The Greanville Post