Walking in an Anthropocene Wonderland: “But I’ll know my song well before I start singing”

Phil Rockstroh
According to a recent, exhaustive study commissioned by the US Department of Energy and headed by a scientific team from the U.S. navy, by the summer of 2015, the Arctic Ocean could be bereft of ice, a phenomenon that will engender devastating consequences for the earth’s environment and every living creature on the planet.

Hagel:  This corporatized idiot was opposed by conservatives because he sounded too liberal. Further proof the entire political establishment is rotten and dangerous to all life on this planet.

Hagel: This corporatized idiot’s appointment was opposed by conservatives because he was seen as too liberal. Further proof the entire political establishment is rotten and dangerous to all life on this planet.

Yet, recently, Chuck Hagel, US Defense Secretary, said (in defiance of common sense and even a modicum of sanity) that the US military will escalate its presence in the Arctic, due to the fact that “[the] potential for tapping what may be as much as a quarter of the planet’s undiscovered oil and gas.”
Secretary of Defense? More like Commissar of Mass Suicide.
This situation is like a family of self-destructive drunks inheriting a brewery.
Sans hyperbole, it is exactly like making the choice to exist as fatally self-involved consumers as opposed to multidimensional human beings possessed of heart, mind and soul.
[pullquote]Wedded to short-term thinking and rooted in selfishness, late capitalism’s putrefying paradigm±especially the sort advanced by the United States—has but one remedy for the devastation reaped by the system…insanely, more production and more consumerism.—Eds[/pullquote]
I mean, just what kind of suicidal clowns flounce through life gibbering on about bacon straws, cupcakes, online images of kitty cats, and the latest Playstation model when the specter of extinction looms and their psychotic leaders are doubling down on the criteria of doom?
This is like giving Charles Manson the codes to nuclear missile silos.
In the Anthropocene Epoch, in our manic flight from consequence and accountability and our attendant estrangement from empathic imagination, we have come to regard all the things of the world as fodder for our empty appetites, as commodified, meretricious objects that exist to distract us and then be discarded. By our actions, we are destroying the living things of the world by caprice. The fetishization of mechanization and its concomitant soulless and habitual reductionism has mortified our psyches inflicting alienation that we attempt to remedy with the palliative of perpetual media distraction.
Devoid of the musk and fury of true communal engagement, this communion with electronic phantoms only exacerbates our alienation and decimates one’s ability to evince empathy, when, conversely, empathy is the quality required to feel the suffering that hyper-capitalist industrialization has wrought. If we are to pull back from the brink of extinction, we must lament what has been lost to cupidity.
Yet, one must resist the temptation to become intoxicated by grim prophesy. It is possession of the qualities of sadness and gravitas that separates an individual bearing accurate augury from false prophets. The tears of the world will saturate the soul of an individual who lives in the truth of our era of Climate Chaos and global-wide ecocide.
Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. He may be contacted at: philrockstroh.scribe@gmail.com / And at FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/phil.rockstroh