Toyota Unveils Zero-Emissions Hydrogen Fuel-Cell ‘Car Of The Future’ For Sale Next Year


Toyota Unveils Zero-Emissions Hydrogen Fuel-Cell ‘Car Of The Future’ For Sale Next Year


Toyota announced the launch of a hydrogen-powered fuel-cell car in the U.S. next year on Monday at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The car, which resembles the popular Corolla, is yet to be named, but like the birth of a royal child it’s the pedigree that counts — and Toyota is the largest auto manufacturer in the world. However, unlike a royal child, hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles have been fighting an uphill battle against logistical, technological and economic odds since their inception.

“For years, the use of hydrogen gas to power an electric vehicle has been seen by many smart people as a foolish quest,” Bob Carter, senior vice president of automotive operations for Toyota Motor Sales, said at the CES event. “Yes, there are significant challenges. The first is building the vehicle at a reasonable price for many people. The second is doing what we can to help kick-start the construction of convenient hydrogen refueling infrastructure. We’re doing a good job with both and we will launch in 2015.”

Calling it the “car of the future,” Carter said the vehicle will be a zero-emission, mid-size, four-door sedan with a driving range of at least 300 miles between refueling and a fill-up time of less than five minutes. No official price tag was announced, but it is estimated that the cost will range from $50,000 to $100,000.

“We aren’t trying to re-invent the wheel; just everything necessary to make them turn,” said Carter.

Not only does this include the technology inside the car, but also the infrastructure needed for refueling.

Hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicles run on hydrogen gas, making them similar to battery-only models such as the Nissan Leaf that plug-in to recharge in that they emit none of the tailpipe pollution association with burning gasoline. The only exhaust on the Toyota fuel-cell vehicle will be water vapor.

“Battery models carry electricity in their lithium-ion battery packs while fuel-cell vehicles make electricity on board in a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen,” Bloomberg Businessweek reported. “While hydrogen vehicles have a range comparable to gasoline vehicles and need only a few minutes to refuel — compared with hours for most battery autos — there are few hydrogen pumps currently open to the public.”

To be precise there are currently nine hydrogen refueling stations open to the public, all of them in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, and another dozen in California that are private or for demonstration. For this reason the vehicle will initially launch in California — a state known for leading the nation in emissions standards and efficiency mandates. In 2012 the California Air Resources Board required that by 2025 one in seven new cars sold be zero-emission.

California has set aside more than $200 million to build another 20 hydrogen fueling stations by 2015 with as many as 100 possible within the next decade. Toyota has partnered with UC-Irvine to help determine the best locations for these fueling stations.

Addressing concern over the sparseness of refueling opportunities, Carter said, “Stay tuned, because this infrastructure thing is going to happen.”

South Korean automaker Hyundai also recently announced plans for a hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle. Honda already has a fuel-cell car called the FCX Clarity that is available forlease primarily in Southern California.

study from last year by the firm Lux Research found that, “The dream of a hydrogen economy envisioned for decades by politicians, economists, and environmentalists is no nearer, with hydrogen fuel cells turning a modest $3 billion market of about 5.9 GW in 2030.”

While hydrogen-powered cars will not likely make a significant automobile market impact or greenhouse gas emissions dent before 2030 as once hoped, production costs are rapidly falling and infrastructure is gaining steam.

So perhaps all the past hype about hydrogen-powered cars as a major mitigator of greenhouse gases can be replaced with a realistic goal of becoming a small part of the solution as some of the hurdles are overcome.

“We estimate a 95 percent cost reduction for the powertrain and fuel tanks of the vehicle we will launch in 2015 when you compare that to what it cost for us to build the original Highlander Fuel Cell in 2002,” Carter said at the CES event.



  • David Bruderly ·  Top Commenter

    Hydrogen fuel dispensers are no more difficult to deploy than compressed natural gas dispensers and the capital costs will be similar. The most cost-effective way to produce hydrogen is to reform natural gas into hydrogen. This can be done at the fuel station or at a central facility with hydrogen delivered via pipeline. Distributed hydrogen production, i.e. at the fuel station, from natural gas will be the most practical, near-termand cost-effective method of producing hydrogen motor fuels. Lifecycle HFCEV GHG emissions from methane reformed hydrogen production are lower than emissions from a battery electric vehicle powered by electricity produced from natural gas. Near-zero life cycle emissions can be achieved by producing hydrogen with simple electrolysis of water using solar or wind electricity. Energy cost to operate high efficiency HFCEVs will be competitive with $3-4 gasoline used in inefficient, and dirty, IC engines. Books documenting these claims have already been writen. Accurate information is readily available on the USDOE Hydrogen Program website as well as on European Hydrogen Program websites.
    Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · 22 hours ago
  • Gracie Gragg ·  Top Commenter · Prototype Assembler at Electronics, many places in California

    We have a Toyota Hybrid which does not have to be plugged into anything. Gets excellent gas millage as it is an old car. 2001 and still runs great! Recharges by using the breaks. Only trouble is that the taxes on it are a lot higher than most cars because it does not use enough gas. So much for trying to help out with global warming and climate change!
    Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · 21 hours ago
Mary Kaye Waterson · Follow ·  Top Commenter · Crystal Lake, Illinois

The price is going to have to come down significantly before a regular person even considers buying it.
  • Antigua Farms ·  Top Commenter · The University of Arizona

    Let’s say the cost is $60,000. This would be around $40,000 more for a comparative non-hydro model of the same car. If one purchases this vehicle putting $20,000 down and finances $40,000 with home equity (at 5% APR), that is $316 a month in principal and interest (using a 15-year amortization table). I would consider buying this car, but most would not. The car would be paid for in 15 years. It would be beneficial financially the longer you held on to the care, and years 15-25 would be where you got your money back. Thanks for the brain walk math problem opportunity 🙂
    Reply · 2 · Like · Yesterday at 3:15pm
  • Mary Kaye Waterson · Follow ·  Top Commenter · Crystal Lake, Illinois

    Antigua Farms still too much for me. I like my cars to be paid off in 5 years, tops LOL
    Reply · Like · Yesterday at 3:16pm
  • Clifton Hamilton ·  Top Commenter · Temple University

    Same with electric cars. Same with hybrid cars before that. Same with just plain old normal cars before that.New technologies are not immediately distributed to everyone. The price comes down over time and eventually we all have a computer in our home and a car or two in our driveways.