OpEds: Talking Peace, Waging War

By Stephen Lendman

John Kerry: Unindicted war criminal, like his boss.

John Kerry: Unindicted war criminal, like his boss.

Obama’s war on Syria rages. It’s taken a horrific toll nationwide. Tens of thousands died. Dozens more do daily.

Millions were displaced. Numbers internally and abroad range up to one-third of Syria’s population. Humanitarian crisis conditions exist. Human suffering is extreme. Peace talks reflect more illusion than reality. On January 22, they’re scheduled to begin. 

On Sunday and Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with so-called Friends of Syria countries in Paris.  They include America, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar and UAE.  They’re imperial collaborators. They no friends of the great majority of Syrians. On Sunday, they issued a joint statement, saying:

“Assad and his close associates with blood on their hands will have no role in Syria.”

Throughout nearly three years of conflict, they’ve wrongfully blamed him for Western-backed insurgent crimes. They’re imperial collaborators. They’re responsible for horrific bloodshed. They want regime change. They want mass slaughter and destruction to achieve it.

They want sole right to choose who’ll rule. They want Syrians having no say. They want pro-Western stooges in charge. They’re ravaging and destroying a once peaceful country.  They’re responsible for high crimes against peace. No end of conflict looms. It’s unclear if talks will take place as scheduled. It’s unclear if it matters.

It’s unclear who’s attending. Divided opposition groups may not come. They’re preoccupied with slaughtering each other instead.

On January 12, AFP headlined “700 killed in Syria rebel-jihadist battle: monitor.”  Hundreds more are missing. Fighting rages. It’s been ongoing for days. Civilians are caught in the middle. Perhaps well over 1,000 died. Expect many more to perish.  Northern provinces are affected. Aleppo, Idlib and Raqa are hard hit. So are Hama and Homs. At least 16 suicide attacks occurred. Dozens were killed. More die daily. Syria remains a cauldron of violence.

On Sunday, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius lied, saying:

“It’s the regime of Bashar al-Assad that is feeding terrorism. We must bring that regime to an end. There is no solution to the Syrian tragedy apart from a political solution. And there is no possibility to achieve (it) if Geneva two does not take place.”

Geneva I ended in failure. Washington and other opponents demanded he must go. They demand he go now. They do so illegitimately.  On Sunday, John Kerry discussed prospects for Middle East peace. He addressed Syria. He blamed Assad for Obama’s war.  “There is an urgent need for the Syrian regime to implement its obligations under the UN Security Council Presidential Statement,” he said.

“We believe it is possible for the regime to (cease fighting) before Geneva – local ceasefires if necessary – a ceasefire with respect to Aleppo, and send the signal that they are prepared to set a different mood, a different climate, a different stage for the possibility of success in Geneva.”

“They have the power to do that. And the opposition has pledged that if they will do that. The opposition will live by it.”

False! Kerry knows it. Extremist elements continue fighting. They reject peace talks. Washington bears full responsibility for ongoing conflict. Assad defends Syria responsibly.  He’s battling US-backed foreign invaders. Don’t expect Kerry to explain. Continued aggression is planned.  Washington is directly involved in supplying lethal aid. It’s been doing it all along. It’s coming cross border from Turkey and Jordan. Israel is supplying weapons. CIA and US special forces are directly involved.

Kerry lied saying Assad “disregard(s) the most basic human rights.” Extremist opposition forces are barbaric. They’ve committed numerous atrocities. Assad is wrongfully blamed.  Washington wants war on Syria continued. Geneva II won’t end it. Demanding Assad must go is illegal.  Syrians alone have sole right to decide who’ll lead them. Foreign interference violates international law.

Kerry is an unindicted war criminal. He has no legitimacy whatever. He’s less than optimistic about Syria. “None of us have an expectation,” he said. “(F)ull agreement” is unlikely.

“What we do expect is to begin to get the parties at the table convened and negotiating and beginning a process of waging an even stronger effort to provide for this political solution. It’ll take a little bit of time, but I’m confident that it needs that forum. It needs all the players at the table. It needs the umbrella of the United Nations.” It needs Assad gone, according to Kerry.

On Sunday, Friends of Syria countries issued a statement saying Geneva Two’s objective is replacing Assad with transitional governance.  They want one fully empowered. They want pro-Western stooges in charge. They want what Syrians won’t tolerate.  Ahmad Jarba heads the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces. He replaced Moaz al-Khatib. He’s no friend of Syrians. He’s one-sidedly pro-Western.

He issued a statement saying:

“The most important aspect of today’s meeting is that we all agree to say that the Assad family has no future in Syria. Removing Assad from Syria for the future has now been clearly established in a unanimous decision adopted by (Friends of Syria countries) without the possibility for ambiguity.”

Lavrov responded saying:

“Our partners are blinded by an ideological mission for regime change. I am convinced that the West is doing this to demonstrate that they call the shots in the Middle East. This is a totally politicized approach.”

Russia is fundamentally opposed. It respects Syrian sovereignty. International laws matter. Putin calls force against sovereign nations unacceptable. He said waging it is aggression.  Removing Assad assures endless conflict. Doing so frees jihadists to run wild. Syria will resemble Iraq and Libya.  Daily conflict kills dozens in both countries. Violence shows no signs of ending. Pro-Western puppet governance can’t stop it. Institute of World Economy and International Relations senior fellow Stanislav Ivanov believes peace in Syria remains elusive.

He doubts Geneva II will work. Given what remains ongoing, it’s destined to fail, he said.  He believes a UN-sponsored conference should precede Geneva. All relevant international parties should be involved.  Iran should be invited unconditionally. It won’t attend Geneva any other way.  Center for Contemporary Iranian Studies Rajab Safarov calls Geneva talks this month futile.

“The conference will not take place because of the US,” he said. “Washington cannot get rid of the heavy pressure from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. They are not interested in finding a solution to the Syrian issue,” he added.

“There are almost no chances this conference and even holding it can succeed,” he said.

“Assad needs 4-6 months (more fighting) maximum. After that there will be no opposition in Syria. And no need” for peace talks, he believes.  At the same time, he thinks Geneva II can achieve something positive. Geneva I failed by demanding Assad must go.  Friends of Syria countries demand it now. Doing so runs counter to what most Syrians wish. Peace remains a convenient illusion.  Expect conflict without end to continue. It’s virtually certain without Iran’s involvement to end it.

Regional violence shows no signs of ending. Greater war looms possible. Post-9/11, millions died. Washington bears full responsibility. It’s waging war on humanity. Expect other countries to be ravaged and destroyed before it ends.

The entire region may become embroiled in conflict. Global war is possible. Imagine the potential consequences. Imagine what no responsible leaders should risk.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.  His new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.  

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