The Pestilence of Great White (mostly Christian) Hunters

By Ruth Eisenbud, Animal Issues Correspondent
Annotated by Patrice Greanville

Yet another human degenerate striking a pose over animal needlessly murdered.  It is his breed that should go into prompt extinction.


Thomas Babington Macaulay, a coldblooded imperialist.

Thomas Babington Macaulay, a coldblooded imperialist.

Why is it that almost all the photo ops of hunters gloating over their prey are white Christian males, and more recently, women of the same demographic? The canned hunt of a rare black rhino in namibia was auctioned off by a hunting association in Texas, heavily infused by a christian perspective, to an inheritor of dominion for $350,000. The glory of dominion comes with a hefty price tag, but then man’s dominion over the animals carries with it the imperative of triumph over nature and animalkind.

“The fear and dread of you shall rest on every animal of the earth, and on every bird of the air, on everything that creeps on the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; into your hand they are delivered. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; and just as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.’” Genesis

Hunters —and in general sociopaths—scoff at images like this.

Hunters —and in general sociopaths—scoff at images like this. They see neither the message nor its sheer beauty.

The magnates of Indian corporations and government officials go out of their way to proclaim they are vegetarian from birth, as this comes with a certain amount of status… There are no photo ops of the rich and famous among these ranks posed triumphantly over animal corpses.

Although Indian princes had long practiced “recreational hunting of tigers and other animals, the floodgates were open with the arrival of European conquerors, chiefly the British. It was precisely British imperialist Lord Macaulay who brought the  notion of the”Great White Hunter to India (as they did to Africa):

Lord Macaulay
An Indian movie star, Salman Khan (see below), from the semitic religion of Islam, was arrested for deer hunting in Rajistan:

Another imbecile displaying his "prowess".

Another moral imbecile displaying his “prowess”.

Though he offered bribes to poor villagers, they refused to cooperate and reported him to Wildlife Services. In Christian nations wildlife services takes bribes in the form of fees, as it functions to aid and abet in every step of the hunting process from licensing to implementation.No one in dominion nations is arrested for hunting. In fact there are canned hunts of exotic animals, pigeon shoots, python slaughterfests, wolf derbies, squirrel slams and culls of every animal. The latest declared culls, being the effort to kill all the mute swans of New York City along with the destruction of 3000 deer in eastern Long Island.
Though Lord Macaulay brought the Great White Hunter to India, with the scheme to invalidate Indian values, with liberation from its dominion masters all the excesses of hunting have now been banned by The Wildermess Protection Act of India. India has had the good sense to return to its traditionally more compassionate view of animals, based on the wisdom of ahimsa: reverence for ALL life:

"For there is nothing inaccessible for death.
All beings are fond of life, hate pain, like pleasure,
shun destruction, like life, long to live. To all life
is dear." Jain Acharanga Sutra.

Salman Khan Deer Killing: Bollywood Actor And Others Charged WIth Killing Rare Species

Ironic that for uber-egotistical celebrity Salman Khan being human does not include compassion.

Ironic that for uber-egotistical celebrity Salman Khan being human does not include having any compassion.

Bollywood film actor Salman Khan smiles during the launch of his ‘Being Human’ flagship clothing store in Mumbai on January 17, 2013.
An Indian court will try five Bollywood actors, including action hero Salman Khan, for allegedly killing two rare deer in a western India wildlife preserve 14 years ago.
Attorney K.L. Vyas says that while Salman Khan was charged with shooting the bucks, Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre and others allegedly abetted the crime by encouraging him while hunting in Rajasthan state.
The Indian court system is notoriously slow, and it often takes years and even decades for a case to go to trial.
If convicted, the actors could face three to six years in prison. They deny the charges.
Four of the accused appeared before a magistrate Saturday.
On Thursday, Sanjay Dutt had a conviction for illegal possession of weapons upheld, and the Bollywood leading man now faces prison time.