Clarissa Ward: indecent disinformation tool

Branford Perry / Patrice Greanville

Ward: Putain extraordinaire for the empire.

Ward: Putain extraordinaire working for the Empire. The plutocracy knows how to pick them.

LONDON—In the shameless  propaganda machine—a veritable Orwellian Ministry of Truth—that passes for “news organizations” in the US and much of the world, disinformers like Clarissa Ward, billed disingenuously as CBS Foreign Correspondent, stand out for their scandalously biased “reporting” and sanctimonious brand of warmongering on Syria and other flash points, the latest being the Ukraine.

For all intents and purposes this woman should be regarded primarily as a Pentagon disinformation operative trumpeting the goodness of the American empire and the “necessity” for it to intervene around the world as a human rights imperative. 

supported, openly and stealthily by the US and its acolytes in crime, the corrupt EU regimes and their Frankenstein puppet, NATO.  For one thing, Ward—like the rest of the Western press corps, fails to see or find a single fascist among the noble rebels, despite the fact that they are prominent, boastful and ubiquitous (Sbovoda, “Right Sector”, etc.). And while busily painting Russia and those who oppose the current putsch in the worst possible colors, she also conveniently forgets to mention that the very foreign minister of Estonia in a recent leaked conversation with a high official of the EU confirmed that the deaths in Independence Square had been caused chiefly

Toxic information is a threat to world peace

The commenters are senior editors with The Greanville Post.