International criminal corporatist Hillary Clinton wins shoe award

hillaryClintHillary Clinton dodged a shoe that was thrown at her during a speech at the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries meeting in Sin City. After the hurler was escorted out, Clinton quipped, “I didn’t know solid waste management was so controversial”

Editor’s Comment:  Getting a shoe thrown at the podium during a speech is becoming the distinguishing mark of an illegitimate high-level ruling corporatist, preferably a war criminal. George W Bush got his award in Iraq a few years back. Now it’s Hillary Clinton’s turn to be recognized for what she is.  Fact is, Clinton may joke all she wants, showing aplomb and catering to her audience in the room and beyond, always with an eye on the prize…but it would be imprudent to forget that this is the woman who loyally served as a top official in the international warmongering capitalist mafia that passes for the American government these days, and, who openly rejoiced upon learning of Gaddafi’s brutal murder, an event her office had a great deal to do with.  And one more thing: why is the press so handicapped when it comes to filing a simple interview with the person who threw the shoe? Isn’t there a story to tell? Apparently those who have a legitimate grudge against the empire are forever nonentities to the corporate media, quickly swept under the rug.

TIME Magazine reports:

Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries meeting in Las Vegas on Monday was interrupted by a shoe flying through the air and towards the former Secretary of State. Clinton dodged the shoe, and the thrower was escorted from the room.

“Is that somebody throwing something at me? Was that part of Cirque de Soleil?” Clinton joked after the shoe flew past her. “My goodness, I didn’t know solid waste management was so controversial. Thank goodness she didn’t play softball like I did.”

Witnesses say the shoe-thrower walked down the aisle until she was about six rows from the stage area. After throwing the shoe, she put her hands in the air and walked towards the back of the room at the Mandalay Bay hotel-casino before ushers stopped her, according to the Associated Press. Security officers ushered the woman who claimed to have thrown the shoe out of the room. Authorities said she will not be arrested.

Clinton isn’t the first politician to be the target of an airborne shoe. Former President George W. Bush had to duck not one but two shoes thrown at him in Iraq in 2008.