Obama Comes Clean as a Republican, in Both Foreign and Domestic Policies

By Eric Zuesse

It’s all-out now.
But it’s not just Obama that should come clean and be disavowed by the Democratic rank and file, but their entire leadership.  The fault is in the uniparty farce. 



Germany’s largest-circulation Sunday newspaper, Bild am Sonntag, reported, on May 11th, that 400 mercenaries from the former Blackwater private-security firm (the one that George W. Bush hired for Iraq and Afghanistan), which has now been renamed Academi, have arrived in the eastern part of Ukraine, to enforce control by the recently U.S.-installed central Ukrainian government, which is based in Kiev, in the western part of that country.

The Pakistan Defence website has the best summary, headlining “Turchynov regime apparently gets help from U.S. mercenaries” and reports: “What was first denied as irresponsible rumors and Russian propaganda by the U.S. military service turns out to be the real deal after investigation by German reporter. Der Spiegel quotes according to German newspaper ‘Bild am Sonntag,’ [saying that] Turchynov loyalist forces receive support from 400 Academi mercenaries. The German secret service has rejected to comment, but unlike its U.S. counterpart did not deny it. Washington fully recognizes the so called interim government as the new legitimate and representative ruling body of Ukraine. With armed U.S. boots on Ukrainian soil helping to crack down [against] the opposition [in the east], the conflict could escalate to international scale.”

They then say: “Widespread revolts in East Ukraine in response to the violent and controversial ursup[ation] of power by the the new self appointed Turchynov regime face a brutal crackdown by selected armed forces after the first attempt failed with many of the Ukrainian forces refusing orders to shoot at civilians, … deserting or even switching sides. Civilians went out to block the efforts and convinced the soldier with food and drinks to rest their arms. The second so called ‘anti terror’ offensive however shows signs of … zero tolerance against anyone opposing the new regime.”

The following is from the report in Der Spiegel, as auto-translated by google, under the headline “Ukrainian Army Apparently Gets Support of U.S. Mercenaries”: “400 U.S. mercenaries to fight in eastern Ukraine against the separatists. … ‘Bild am Sonntag’ [says]: The fighters come therefore from military service Academi, formerly known as Blackwater [which] … formerly passes under the name Blackwater infamous notoriety.”

Russian news report, which likewise is based upon the story in Bild, summarizes: “The acting president Alexander Turchinov shares this opinion [that Ukrainian nationals cannot be relied upon to carry out such a mission]. ‘Therefore it was decided to attract foreign mercenaries, who will serve as political police and state security protection,’ said the representative of the Security Service.”

However, this more aggressive foreign policy is not the only recent indication that President Obama is starting to pursue more overtly what are traditionally thought of as Republican Party policies.

On May 9th, Dave Jamieson at Huffington Post headlined, “Once a Walmart Boycotter, Obama Now on Cozier Terms with Retailer,” and he reported that despite the outrage from progressives, Obama is now openly on Walmart’s team, supporting the international race to the bottom in workers’ wages and benefits, for the benefit of stockholders throughout the world.

Many of the reader-comments there, were, basically, still in denial of this reality, simply because Obama continues his liberal rhetoric of “hope” and “change,” to serve as ongoing rhetorical target-practice for the more overt fascist Sarah Palin, who openly laughs at any hope and change at all, except of the fascist type: the type that says, just open the floodgates to corporate-government corruption, and “Drill, baby, drill!”

Liberals still don’t get it: they still refuse to recognize that they’ve been had, for over 5 years now, by this Manchurian Candidate, Republican Trojan Horse in the Democratic Party, conservative fox in the liberals’ chicken-coop, who pours forth liberal rhetoric (such as his favoring “equality”) while he pursues the international mega-corporate agenda, for the benefit of the aristocracy, who own practically all of the corporate stock (and that’s not even factoring in any of the estimated $21-$32 trillion of it that’s stashed away by them offshore and hidden entirely from the public but still accruing dividends and capital gains as those stock-values go up), and who serve on corporate boards and run the corporations and receive the enormous bonuses from their stock-values going up — and to hell with the workers, as their wages go down, in order to help make those stocks go up.

It took a gutsy Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate finally to say, on 29 January 2014, in effect: No more; you’re going too far; I’ve got to block you, even though you’re unfortunately now the head of our Party.

Here is one of the many reasons Reid couldn’t stomach these Obama trade deals.

But, since Obama won re-election in 2012, he no longer even needs to worry about what congressional Democrats, or any Democrats for that matter, think; and, when Republicans take over the U.S. Senate after November, as all of the polling suggests they will, Obama will have clear sailing, no longer with a leader in the U.S. Senate who was chosen by the Senate’s Democrats, but instead with a leader who will be chosen by the Senate’s Republicans. And, then, he’ll be able to do everything he wants to do, and has wanted to do all along.

Democratic voters have been taken for a ride with Obama. The end of it won’t be pretty.

After all: he’s clearly with the fascists in Ukraine, which shows (in the most raw fashion) where his heart lies. And lies. And lies.

And, even before Obama so much as first entered the White House, he was trying to wrangle John Boehner to agree to accept things he wanted to propose that Republicans had actually been fighting for under Bush when Democrats had power in Congress to block those things, but Boehner just responded, in effect: No dice, we now demand even more. Their unrelenting mantra was: We want you to be a one-term president.

And, now that Obama’s in his second term, and will soon no longer even need to pretend to be a Democrat any longer, will Democrats (whom he has merely snubbed ever since he won the White House in 2008) then be treated like the Russian-speakers in Ukraine already are, under the reign of his chosen stooges there?

Of course, that’s a rhetorical question: it’s intended only to make unequivocally clear where his heart really lies. And lies. And lies.

It’s clearly not with us. And it never actually was.

And, now, his anointed successor would be (that former member of the board of directors at Walmart) Hillary Clinton: who is even worse.

But, isn’t there a limit to how long liberals can be taken for suckers? (When they will say: “Enough — no more. No more!”)

The time has arrived for congressional Democrats to come out now publicly, while they are still in Congress, and to disown Obama, as not one of them.  Let Obama hang, by his own lies, so that their Party won’t continue to be hung, by his lies, any longer.



Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.