Break out the champagne! Non-animal meat makes its debut on NBC’s Today Show

NBC’s Craig Melvin reported on the Beyond Meat breakthrough, and challenged Matt Lauer, Al Roker, Carson, Tamron and the rest of the anchors to identify it in a taste-test. (Spoiler: They failed.)
Patrice Greanville


What may well be one of the biggest media events of the decade (or century!) took place almost under the radar on NBC’s Today Show in late April (2014).  That morning Beyond Meat joined the Today Show crew for a two-part segment on Beyond Meat, a new manufacturer of a variety of plant-based animal “meats” that can definitely fool the palate. 

The list of advantages is impressive, but the most colossal part of this breakthrough is the potential it carries for our planet and most of its living creatures—humans and nonhumans. Among humans—aside from people who have long consumed meat substitutes for ethical or health reasons—many seek an alternative to a food addiction that forces them to consume animals, incurring frequent moral pangs and contributing wittingly to the destruction of a gravely besieged environment.

For non-human animals the arrival of meat substitutes of Beyond Meat quality, represents a potential liberation from the horrors of factory farming and other forms of animal husbandry destined for the abattoir. If non-animal meats advance in popularity, the enslavement, torture and death of countless creatures just to become food on a human platter will no longer prove necessary.

Nonmeat burger. Impossible to distinguish.

Nonmeat burger. Impossible to distinguish.

For the planet itself, this is also enormously important news. A variety of ecological disasters are directly linked to meat consumption: ranching that destroys primeval forests, ecosystems, and displaces aboriginal peoples; runoffs that pollute rivers and oceans (the Gulf of Mexico a prime example), eventually toxifying most of our waterways; the destruction of the land by creating gigantic waste lagoons and other misuses; and massive reliance on antibiotics to prevent disease flareups in tightly confined animals, a practice which degrades the ability of antibiotics to combat infections, and introduces these substances into the human genetic pool with calamitous consequences.

Those are just some of the utilitarian benefits. For those of us who work on animal liberation out of sheer compassion, and a belief that our planet deserves better, there’s also major cause for celebration. Now we know that history is on our side, at least on this issue.

On the Today Show

The first part had Ethan taking Craig Melvin on a tour of the Beyond Meat facility in Colombia, Missouri to give them a look where the Bill Gates endorsed “Future of Food” is being made each day and being shipped out nationwide to stores like Whole Foods, Sprouts, HEB, Publix and thousands of other stores including soon to be Safeway, Target and more!

The next part took the tour back to the NYC studio with the whole Today Show crew including Matt Lauer and Al Roker as they sit down to taste our Beyond Beef Chili and Sesame Beyond Chicken Salad live as it goes up against a dish created from animal proteins.

The segment aired at 8am local time nationwide. Beyond Meat’s Today Show debut was a complete success. We hope they change how America meats, one bite at a time!

—P. Greanville is editor in chief of The Greanville Post


Absolutely wonderful news that the two taste-tested products fooled the Today Hosts … perhaps that will convince their carnivore viewers to finally try non-meat alternatives. As a vegetarian I have been pushing Morning Star and other well-made, meatless products, and welcome these new products. Although the healthier aspects will win over many, – including that they are non-GMO and gluten free, I am happiest that they may finally dampen the ever growing demand for chicken and beef, both of which have horrible consequences for the animals and the planet.