Dr Andy Coates—Single Payer Advocate —explains why it’s the only logical solution

Dr Andrew Coates leads national group
Chosen by organization that supports universal care

“We still need real health reform in this country,” Coates said. “We still need health care that will provide comprehensive and necessary care for absolutely everyone.”

Coates, who often shows up at peace rallies and health care protests in a bow tie and fleece jacket, is director of medical services at Capital District Psychiatric Center, medical director at Albany County Nursing home and a member of the executive board of the Public Employees Federation. He is board certified in internal medicine and hospice and palliative medicine, is also a Times Union blogger.

The United States should model its health care system on countries like Canada, Taiwan, New Zealand and England, Coates said.

“What doesn’t work is private health insurance,” he said.

Coates was raised in Greene County and attended Hamilton College. He has a master’s drgree in history from SUNY Albany and a medical degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He trained at Bassett Healthcare and teaches at Albany Medical College. He lives in Delmar with his wife, Lori Coates, and their three children.