Separatist militia scores casualties among US milgroup advisers

American general was wounded, three officers killed by militia

Author: Ayre 

usmil-Kee Randy AllenUSA

American general Kee Randy Allen.

[S]lavyansk militants are conducting operations both inside their region and beyond its borders. Last night they shelled an all-road military truck GAZ-66 carrying a punitive troop of the Kiev junta. Militias are also fighting on the territory of Kharkov oblast (province). Shelling of the mechanized column with US military men has been their first major success.

This operation was carried out near the town of Izyum (52 km. to the north-west from Slavyansk).

A reconnaissance and sabotage group of Slavyansk militants attacked a mechanized column of US military instructors. Three US officers were killed. One of them allegedly was a woman – the fragment of a skull with bleached hair has been found on the spot. Besides, an American general Key Randy Allen who actually handles the troops engaged in “punitive expeditions” in Novorossiya was wounded. Taking into account that a sniper shot a US military adviser on the Mariupol beach on July, 30, already 10 of 180 US military men who had come to Ukraine were killed. Note that the week has not ended yet.

General Major Key Randy Allen studied in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (University of Oregon). He was a navigating officer in the B-52 jet-powered strategic bomber’s crew and a pilot on the military transport plane. K. Randy Allen took part in the Pentagon operations in SouthWest Asia, Balkans, and Afghanistan. Afterwards he worked in the US Ministry of Defense and the Headquarters US Air Force, Mobile Air Response Center (Deputy Commander-in-Chief), Directorate of Strategic Plans and Politics of the Joint Staff (Deputy Director for Politics in Western Hemisphere).


Dispatch from Before It’s News
ranslated from the Russian

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that “Kiev authorities are ready to immediately stop” fighting in the Donbass. According to available information, cause a sudden attack of peace in Washington in the deaths of several American military trainers and wounded Pentagon General Randy Allen Key (Kee Randy Alan) who commanded the Ukrainian punishers in the southeast.

On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry , after a meeting with Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin made ​​a statement that the Kiev authorities are ready for a ceasefire in the Donbas “not in the future, and now” , based on “peace plan President Poroshenko” .

Note that the U.S. official is already making statements on behalf of the head of the “independent” Ukraine. Guys guys are palyatsya, yes. But it is, bar, for illusions about who is now actually taxis in Kiev, no longer exist.

What is important is that this call for a truce sounded very suddenly and goes against all previous U.S. policy.

Immediately note the version that the U.S. leadership horrified the horrors of the civil war in Ukraine and decided to fight for peace on humanitarian grounds of conscience and morality. It’s fantastic that you can only voice Jen Psak either already late John Ronald Reuel Tolkien .

A more realistic assumption that the Ukrainian army and natsgvardiya suffered lately heavy losses and just are not able to fight on without respite.Yes and fund military operations Kiev has nothing to what expressly stated Ukrainian Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak and former PrimeYatsenyuk . In this light, Washington and Kiev requested a truce could be a ploy to gain time to regroup and pull-up reserves.

But there is another version. According to reports, militia Novorossia destroyed several U.S. “military advisers” and wounded General Key Randy Allen , who actually commanded all the troops of the Kiev junta.

Recall, last week it became known that the Ukraine arrived 180 U.S. Army trainers representing the Rangers, airmobile forces and specialists to restore aviation. Many of them have recently been intensively studied Ukrainian language.

Arrived in Kiev July 23 American officers and NCOs assigned to the Fort Benning base in the states of Alabama and Georgia, and obey the command of the Force Special Operations Command and the training and development of the military doctrines of the U.S. Armed Forces, .

Most instructors have experience in training military personnel in Central and South America, which was held in the framework of the military-industrial and military cooperation.

Sending military advisers to Ukraine and reported in the American media. Thus, the newspaper “The Washington Times” July 22 wrote : “Since the Ukrainian army crumbles soon Ukraine will be sent to a group of American advisers who strategize suppression of pro-Putin separatists and determine what material investments and other assistance required for this suppression “ .

A direct leadership Ukrainian law enforcers Pentagon sent Maj. Gen. Randy Allen Key, Head of policy, strategy and partnership opportunities for European command of U.S. forces. July 21 he started to work, coordinating of 12 working groups, which are intended to “improve the security of Ukraine” . Under the leadership of the Pentagon’s general these working groups discussed including the fighting in the south-east.

However, upon arrival to Ukraine American “military experts” immediately began to suffer losses. So, in summary number 83 armed forces command Donbass reported the destruction of two U.S. advisers:

“July 24 in Mariupol partisans carried out a successful military campaign, during which the streets of the city were destroyed by two U.S. military advisers from among 180 officers of the U.S. Army instructors, days earlier arrivals to control punitive operation and training punitive” .

At Monday, July 28 Commander forces DNR Igor Gunmen told details about military engagement marinating, where among the security forces were killed Ukrainian blacks.

“ By marinating militias attack reflected the height of 198.3. During this battle destroyed four tanks, four armored personnel carriers. All of them were burned. Among those killed are people blacks. Militia commander is ready to provide for the filming of the corpses “ – told Shooters.

Another day later, it was reported new casualties among U.S. military and among the victims were the general himself Randy Allen Key.

Tuesday, July 29 at the social networks reported: “In the area of intelligence and Raisins subversive group (RDG) militia attacked a convoy of U.S. military trainers. Killed three U.S. officers and wounded General Key Randy Allen, who commands the punitive operation “.

And right after that John Kerry requested ceasefire.

U.S. leadership could ignore the deaths of their mercenaries from the private military companies (PMCs) such as “Greystone” and the like. Donbass such militias killed at least several dozen, if not hundreds. But the loss of mercenaries (even with American passports) Washington could not help noticing as “gray geese” formally act on their own risk and the state is not responsible for them.

But hush quietly death ordenonosnogo personnel officers from elite units of the U.S. Army no longer happens. These bodies have to drive home in coffins covered with the Stars and Stripes, and solemnly buried under fireworks and cameras. And if in a coffin, or even in the hospital would be a general at the Pentagon – it is quite a scandal for which Obama will have to justify in front of Congress and the public outcry.

In addition there is a very interesting information published HERE . The author, who has access to confidential sources, said that the other day a very senior GRU officer of the General Staff of Russia held a series of private conversations with colleagues from several Western countries.Expressed surprise at the claims to Russia from the United States, which for years arming and training around the world most of these terrorists, GRU officer came to the point.

The point was in two main theses:

1. On the intentions and capabilities of higher authorities officer;

2. On its own capabilities and intentions.

He told me that his boss has irrefutable evidence in the case of the Malaysian “Boeing” and will be forced to publish them, if the stream of slander from the White House about this tragedy does not stop immediately.

Note that information about Boeing , which previously outlined at the briefing Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Lt. Gen. Kartapolov very likely kept deliberately left a gap, which could not fail to draw attention to its Western counterparts.

And myself a senior GRU officer asked him to convey it, even without reference to the commander in chief, has the authority to send the aid of Donbass hundred compatriots highly professional and properly instructed volunteers. And the result of their trip will be that “all one hundred eighty”unlikely to survive for more than four weeks.

European interlocutors General Staff immediately understood what it was about and in their professional (and not so narrow) range started a lively discussion. Some, in particular, reminded of the tactics of the Viet Cong, oriented only certain groups of snipers shooting at officers.

As a result, the competent circles formed the view that aimed to base Fort Benning to Ukraine 180 elite U.S. Army trainers were held hostage, which at any moment can turn into the status of “victims.”

In the capacity of his Russian interlocutor during the month an “all one hundred eighty ‘ home in coffins, no reason not to doubt. Europeans gave a warning to their U.S. counterparts, and as if by magic, Secretary Kerry begged the world.


July 30 in Mariupol while swimming in the sea was shot another one of 180 military advisers. sniper bullet caught up with American when he swam in the sea. After the shot, he immediately plunged into the water. Those on shore colleagues could not help him, because they themselves were trying to find shelter from the shelling, which on the beach was not a goal. When, finally, the American soldier dragged ashore, he was dead.

Thus, for a full week of 10 180 have already been destroyed.
