The (constant) Ugly Wages of Imperialism

Steven Argue, Revolutionary Tendency


[T]he imperialist presidency of Barack Obama has maintained an economic embargo of Cuba, punishing Cuba for toppling a blood thirsty U.S. backed dictator and overthrowing capitalism just as the U.S. in the 19th century similarly punished Haiti for having the first successful slave revolt. In stark contrast, Russia has once again shown that it can sometimes be an important ally in the world fight against imperialism by canceling $29 billion in Cuban debt (90% of Cuba’s debt) and promised to reinvest the other 10% in Cuba.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is escalating its sanctions against Russia as part of its strategy, laid out by Brzezinski, to isolate Russia, carry out regime change, and break Russia into three pieces more easily controlled by U.S. imperialism.

While these goals are evil, whatever one may think of ultimate goals, economic sanctions always hurt the people most. To the imperialists, the lives of poor people are not important, as was made abundantly clear in the following exchange between Bill Clinton’s secretary of state and Lesley Stahl on the program 60 Minutes:

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq:

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright:

—60 Minutes (5/12/96)

End U.S. Imperialist Sanctions Against Cuba, Russia, Belarus, Syria, Sudan, Iran, and North Korea!

End the U.S. Backed Economic Blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt!

End U.S. Imperialism Through Socialist Revolution in the United States!