Vegan cheese: One more milestone in the struggle against massive cruelty


Hyperexploited in every conceivable way. The very existence of factory farms are a testament to the level of indecency still prevalent in human society and the ignorance and indifference that impede action among members of the public.

Hyperexploited in every conceivable way. The very existence of factory farms are a testament to the level of indifference still prevalent in human society and the ignorance and selfishness that impede action among members of the public.

[G]ood news, friends, compas,  and colleagues! Those tormented by the cruel treatment of animals in the food industry, or simply by the consumption of animals for food, will welcome this story about the latest breakthrough in vegan cheese making, using the cow’s DNA to replicate the product in its many varieties. It will be relatively soon when we finally see cheeses of all types available in abundance on the market, at excellent prices, without the suffering implicit in cow’s milk.

In the last decade the non-animal meat substitutes have grown exponentially in quality and diversity.  Today we can find just about any major “meat” in a vegetarian format, allowing us to consume such foods without the conscience pangs of knowingly involving ourselves in the unnecessary torture of an animal. The operational word now should be “unnecessary”, as these products are versatile, easy to prepare (often easier) than the real thing, with much greater health benefits, and huge environmental dividends. Think about it, and give it a try!