Tales of the Kiev’s legions—about the lucky ones…

A dispatch by Col. Cassad


Ward in Ukraine military hospital. The mood is not exactly jubilant. (Click to enlarge)

[I] received information from a medical officer in the Armed Forces of Ukraine who works in a large military hospital. The stream of soldiers and officers of the junta who are wounded in Donbass flows through this hospital. This is a small story about the lucky ones who were able to escape this bloody meat grinder alive by ending up in this Ukrainian hospital.

First the story and then his answers to some questions. The anonymity of the source was, of course, preserved (as you know, there is no freedom of speech in Ukraine and one can be hurt or killed for dissent) because he is writing to us from occupied territories. Therefore, first and second names were changed at the request of the source as well as the place in which the described events happened.

About the lucky ones …

There is a long-standing bunch here.
I am the youngest person there. Everybody else is 40-46 year old.
I carpool with X, who is 45 year old. We know each other for 7 years now.
This dude is an ardent separatist. Well, and on Sunday he took another friend with us – a senior medical officer. He serves in a military hospital.
At first I did not speak to him, and then I noticed that they are cursing Ukies together!
Word for word and so it went. I will write in theses form according to his words:
1. The losses are indeed lowered by several times by the Ukrainian media and authorities. If in the beginning of the punitive operation they received 3-5 wounded fighters per day and it was almost an emergency when there were 10 coming in at once. Now 30-40 per day is the norm.

2. Career military and mobilized conscripts can’t stand the Right Sector activists, members of the National Guard and other volunteer battalions. In the beginning there were constant fights in the wards. Now they are not just treated in different wards but actually in different buildings.

3. While at rest he received a call. He said that the “Right Sector” activists got drunk and started a brawl. The hospital security tied them up using handcuffs and placed them in a special ward with bars. This is also the norm – compassionate volunteers bring alcohol to them.

4. About volunteers (people who help to collect aid for the wounded). Several “volunteer hundreds” emerged after the start of the punitive operation. They opened up accounts and apparently started collecting money. They request receipts from those people who bring equipment into the hospital (fridges, TVs, ACs), which they later use to get reimbursed.  Everyone knows this, even the SBU people who say it openly – “We see everything, we know everything. But we don’t want to touch this now – there will be an outcry!”

5. Oftentimes there are visitors: Rabbit (n.b. the prime minister Arsenii Yatsenyuk), Lyashko, Poroshenko also visited a couple of times. Their personal security detail mock them openly – he knows many of them for a long time. Poroshenko is no longer called gunpowder (n.b. the Russian work “porokh” translates to “gunpowder”) but rather he is now called a “shrimp” – both arthropod and powerless.

6. Wounded soldilers openly told Lyashko and Tyagnybok to go to hell while this senior medical officer was in the room.

7. Everybody is trying to get publicity for helping the wounded. Eldorado (n.b. a Ukrainian department store chain) comes, brings a pair of refrigerators and there are 10 reporters who shoot videos of this process.

8. Volunteer services screw those who need prosthetics especially hard. A separate account is opened for each of them and only manufacturers from Israel or Canada are recommended. And there prosthetics cost 150-300 thousand dollars. At the same time, there are domestic prosthetics of high quality and free of charge. But the most important thing is that the doctors tell their relatives to not get fooled by Israeli prosthetics. Because over time the prosthetic specialist becomes almost a family member. And it is necessary to visit once or twice per year for adjusting, regulating and performing other types of service on the prosthetic. And if yours was made in Israel – you’ll have to go there many times and nobody will give you money to do that. The thing is that money are saved – they are held under interest and the interest is quite good. So they don’t even have to steal anything (n.b. this particular type of interest fraud is a common fraud scheme in the former USSR, the translator recalls several examples from the 90s when interest was collected by private parties for public money that was kept on “buffer accounts”).

9. Several volunteer girls left their “volunteer hundreds” and said that they will help the hospital directly instead after learning how their colleagues steal money. So there was an outcry and these girls were accused of fraud and a complaint was sent to the Ministry of Defense. ))) Nobody wants to lose money.

10. He also told about cheapskate-fighters who are given a TV for the ward and later they take this TV or a fridge with them once they are released from the hospital. To the question of doctors “Where are you taking this?” The answer is “So what!!? This is mine! They brought it to me!!! ”

11. Several women with many children showed up and immediately married shell-shocked patients and other people in vegetative state. They argued that they’ll help them! And they specifically select those wounded whose brain isn’t fully operational or who is almost dead. So he asks it straight: why would a 35-year-old woman with two children marry a 20-year-old who doesn’t even understand where he is and will never walk again? Their answer is that they marry for subsidies and for the aid that is distributed to wives of perished soldiers.

12. Because everybody who needs prosthetics is supposed to receive a certain sum (20 thousand UAH), everybody asks all of it at once and in cash (the relatives). It is impossible to explain to them that this money goes FOR PROSTHETICS – they need the money!!!
In short, war makes some people rich.

Ivanov – fuck
Ivanov – do you mind if I pass this information to the reporters?

Ivanov – to normal reporters

Petrov – Ah! I recalled a minor detail about Yatsenyuk – he talks to each wounded in the wards while on his hunkers. Even his guards said: “Here, look, there he goes on his hunkers again!” .)))

Petrov – A military doctor called from the hospital – there are fucking many wounded over the last 2 days.

Ivanov – yeah, according to the news there is hell there…

Petrov – And then a paramedic called.
He was mobilized on March 10. Currently he is under Debalcevo. There’s almost a riot there. There’s a fight every day – they hit each other in the face. And yesterday they even hit their commander in the face. Everybody is nuts. He got sick – a cold. He says that it’s really cold there at night, +8 Celsius. (it is +8 right now… and what happens in Winter?). He asked to pass him medicines against flu in any possible way.  They don’t even have aspirin there.
Petrov – By the way! Yesterday I stood in the line to gas station on Zhitomir roadway. So I drive in and there are two buses full of military there. Regular army. They buy beer and chocolates. I noticed that all of them have the “KFOR” badge on their right arm. !!!!
Ivanov – I recently got a call from this military recruitment officer I know – he asked to hide him from the mobilization in the hospital!
Ivanov – supposedly they received an order of three-hour readiness
Petrov – I didn’t understand – did the recruitment officer ask to hide HIM?
Ivanov – yep, we’re hiding him now
Ivanov – yes – they started sending recruitment officers to the punitive operation
Petrov – well, this means a clusterfuck is coming
Ivanov – it is already there, judging by the news