“Peace” demonstrations in Russia and other manufactured matters

A dispatch from The Saker | Facilitated by Alevtina Rea, Deputy Editor
Dateline: September 21 Ukraine and Russia mini-SITREP

Demonstrations in Russia
(VIDEO BELOW SUPPLIED BY VOICE OF AMERICA, so expect this to show the most impressive crowd.)
[A]ccording to RT, 5’000 to 26’000 people have marched in the streets of Moscow demanding peace in the Ukraine.  According to Vzgliad, 20 people demonstrated in Petrozavodsk and Saratov, 50 in Perm, up to 100 in Ekaterinburg, 10 in Novosibirsk, 15 in Syktyvkar and a few people in Barnaul.  What are important here are not the actual figures, but the order of magnitude.  What we clearly see is that these demonstrations were tiny, at least by Russian standards and when RT’s  Anissa Naouai reports that there was a “very high turnout” she is plain wrong.

Also, and this is no less important, let us be very careful about what these demonstrations were all about: for peace in the Ukraine and against war.  With such a vague and yet doubleplusgoodmeaningslogan, even refugees from bombed out Donetsk could agree (maybe even especially them).What we have here is a typical propaganda ploy: get people in the streets in support of peace, love and happiness all over the world, and then present that as an “opposition” protest against the government policies.  But, come on, seriously, who wants war in the Ukraine?  The Kremlin?

In approving tones, official propaganda organs of the American state like Radio Free Europe and Voice of America have been busy disseminating the “news” about these demonstrations. They clearly hope for a Russian Maidan, another Kiev in Moscow. The corporate media are banging the drums of support, too.


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The other important point is this: even if, for argument’s sake, we agree that 100% of the demonstators were fierce opponents of Putin or Russian policies in the Ukraine, that is less than nothing compared to Putin 80%+ approval rate.

So what did not happen?

What did not happen is the “Russian Maidan” predicted by Evgenii Fedorov and his supporters.  This is what he predicted would happen on September 14th:

They chose Saint Petersburg as the first site. The process has begun. The process is being helped: the whole story with an early election in Saint Petersburg is not accidental! (…)  They will send to Petersburg the same trained young people and fighters as those who were prepared in Ukraine. If necessary, they will be issued with Russian passports. The total number of fighters in Russia, prepared by the Americans, ranges from 50’000 to 100’000. On the basis of Ukraine. Of course, you won’t be able to pick them out: they are Russian people, in pure form. These people will come to Petersburg and rent apartments in great numbers. Their task will be to carry out provocations, if necessary, military provocations.  What does it all mean? It means terrorist activities! The Right Sector as you know does not have any problems with terrorist activities.

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How much of that did actually happen? None at all.
Where is the Nationalist Maidan?  Nowhere.
How is the regime in power?  As stable as ever.

Fedorov did not stop here. In the same article (please do read it all), he even wrote this:

First, there is a new Ukrainian factor: a 100 thousand brainwashed people. The propaganda is at work turning people into animals there. Their position has strengthened in case you haven’t paid attention. You know, people are watching and many of them are rejoicing at the victories in Ukraine. There are no victories! There are some tactical gains, but no wins. Just six months ago we had a neutral neighbouring country. Now we have a country that has more than 40 million people and is absolutely militarily hostile to Russia. What kind of victory is that? Moreover, they have a Russian population. This is a country which can serve as a good base for the invasion of Russia by orange invaders of the modern type. It wasn’t like this just six months ago. It means that the balance of power around Russia has fundamentally changed. We suffered a huge defeat in the geopolitical sense. We didn’t have an enemy yesterday, and today our enemies look like us. In fact, it is a clear victory by the 5th column. It has won politically, militarily, and from there to a military invasion of Russia.

A military invasion of Russia, no less!

Evgenii Fedorov is a very nice person and he has many good ideas.  I honestly like him.  But as an analyst he is firmly set into the “doom, gloom and total panic” camp and, frankly, he has zero credibility with me.  I have tried to warn about this, but mostly I was ignored or attacked.  I hope that with the total “flop” on this “Russian Maidan” everybody now see that Fedorov should be listened to with a couple of pounds of salt.

Russian strategy in the Ukraine

Several of you have pointed out the apparent contradiction in my assertion that Russia’s real goal in the Ukraine is regime change while, at the same time, staying out of the Ukraine and placing the burden of liberation and de-Nazificaton on the Ukrainian people.  The contradiction is, I submit, only apparent.  Here is what Russia can, and should, do:

1) Politically oppose the regime everywhere: UN, media, public opinion, etc.
2) Express political support for Novorussia and any Ukrainian opposition
3) Continue the informational war (Russian media does a great job)
4) Prevent Novorussia from falling (covert military aid)
5) Mercilessly keep up the economic pressure on the Ukraine
6) Disrupt as much as possible the US-EU “axis of kindness”
7) Help Crimea and Novorussia prosper economically and financially

In other words – give the appearance of staying out while very much staying in.

The American media slogan has been, “Moscow marchers condemn Kremlin role in Ukraine war”


The key here is to create the conditions which would make it possible for the Ukrainian people to overthrow the Nazis currently in power, boot out the CIA proconsul in Kiev and begin de-Nazifying the country. Yes, this is a long-term and difficult task, but Russia has no other viable options.  There will never be stability or safety for Russia as long as the Nazis are in power in Kiev.  Sure, a temporary cease-fire or truce or even treaty can be signed with the Nazis, but it will never be viable and at most it will provide a short term respite.  I will repeat it again, regime change and de-nazification in the Ukraine are a vital national strategic objective for Russia.  Nothing short of that will do.

In conclusion, a couple of short items:

Business Insider says that “Ukraine Is On The Brink Of Total Economic Collapse“.

The Kiev basketball team played in Lithuania against Russia wearing ‘camo sport’s gear’:

They lost 77 to 102 🙂

And now, last but not least, the really good news!!

According to Yahoo, the notorious Jewish oligarch, Mafia Don, mega-oligarch and iconic “Putin foe” Mikhail Khodorkovksy wants to lead the anti-Putin opposition and he is even contemplating a presidential position for himself.  This is absolutely wonderful news as, now that Berezovsky is dead, Khodorkovsky can legitimately claim the title of most hated oligarch in Russia.  To have him now declare that he wants to “lead” (read: finance) the Russia non-systemic (which did not even make it into the Duma) opposition is a dream come true for Putin’s PR team.  They will now have a wonderful time discrediting all the pro-US opposition  “Khodorkovsk’s agents”.

Great news indeed!

Kind regards,

—The Saker


Select comments from original thread

Anonymous said…

I just completed watching the RT documentary on the situation in Ukraine filmed in April. I suppose Bro. Putin and Bro. Lavrov and their Prime Minister and Defense Minister in Donetsk aren’t too interested in what is happening to the residents of Odessa, Dnienep. and Kharkov at the hands of the Ukrainian Nationalists.Onward Masonic New World Order Types, the Apres Ski Slopes of Davos awaits the Progressive Heroes of the United Nations of International Law…

Brabantian said…

Absolutely magnificent large photo of Igor Strelkov, handsome and noble, standing in a home before a fireplace, religious icon in back of him, beautiful cat happily in his arms, his face showing immense peace of soul …Ladies and gentlemen, we are privileged to live with this hero in our worldIgor Strelkov with cat in his arms

Anonymous said…

I’m glad you expose RT in this instance. I have always be wary of that site. I think sincere contributors are beginning to take note as well.

Anonymous said…

BTW says:I wonder how many of these 5 – 10K “peace” protesters are naïve idiots, how many are ideological fanatics of the “democracy – we want to be like the west” variety, and how many are the pushing and organizing force behind this.
No news account mentioned that ordinary patriotic Russians offered to debate with them; nor is there any account of people telling them to march in Kiev instead. Indeed, why did people not shout at them to march on the US embassy instead to demand an end to bombing of country after country.

Gayle said…

It looks like Russia may have decided that it wants out of Novorossia:Strelkov addressing rumors that the “voentorg” has been turned off If true … what else to conclude except RF has abandoned Novorossiya, and betrayed Strelkov?

Anonymous said…

Build the Red Army underground of Novorossiya!Build the Red Army underground of New Soviet Ukraine!- from Nazi-occupied Amerika

Anonymous said…

According to Wikipedia, Mikhail Khodorkovksy’s father was Jewish, while his mother was Russian Orthodox. So he is technically not Jewish according to Jewish law, which is matrilineal. (I’m not sure how Russian nationality law defines Jewishness, matrilineally or patrilineally. He could be Jewish by Russian law, but not by Jewish ! A despicable person nevertheless.)

Anonymous said…

A prediction borne from studious observation of the conflict, and comparison of multiple sources, giving the most weight to Cassad, Flores and Blazov generally:1) ‘sellout’ of Novorossiya by ‘Putin’ will congeal in the inforeality, as border control tightens, OSCE drones fly, etc.2) humanitarian aid will increase massively3) guerilla war will spread beyond the current ‘borders’ of the revolution over the winter4) Strelkov will return

Anonymous said…

it’s nice to see you saker in the optimistic mood but i think putin is already on its milosevic path…russia is full of people who would kill its own mother for a new iphone, as well as rich russians who would kill its own mother for a new house in london…russia wasted a years living from day to day on money from gas and oil, and this inertia will cost them…there is a funny quote here in serbia which says “prase se ne goji pred božić”…russia is now drawing moves in the panic mode, because they, together with china, didn’t do anything through the years to break up its ties with the western financial institutions including joint attack on the dollar…and it cant be doing overnight…maybe someone sees condolesa rice who is saying couple of days ago how russia will running out of cash faster than europe will running out of energy…at the same time, we have a coca cola generation in moscow and bejing…they want western goods, western clothes, western tv shows, western music, western gadgets…which is called soft power sometimes…at the end of the day, i would like to be optimistic, but judging by the things in serbia in the past, i’m afraid future is not so optimistic…

jo6pac said…

Mikhail KhodorkovksyI wonder what his cia salary is?

Anonymous said…

Dutch media are reporting just now
that Ukraine asked the international court in The Hague to take on the case against those who are responsible for downing the MH17 (it was strongly implied that Russia is involved and that it is in the category of warcrimes).
In february/march the court already took on a case, proposed by Ukraine, to investigate the ‘crimes committed during the Yanukovitsch presidency’ and more specifically ‘during the maidanprotests’.

Anonymous said…

I see by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainians_in_Russia#Demographics that in 2010 there were 1,927,988 Ukrainians in Russia. If a fraction of a percent of those turned out (or were transported there by 5th column?) at the rally that alone would about account for a number of 5 or 10 K.It also says
“According to the 2001 census, there are 253,644 Ukrainians living in the city of Moscow [2], making them the third largest ethnic group in that city, after Russians and Tatars. A further 147,808 Ukrainians live in the Moscow region.”(One might even wonder if protesters were offered free cookies afterwards?)I can’t get excited over this.__Blue

Dalpe said…

The way one can defeat a false flag is to make as many people aware of the possibility of one occurring, Similarity, Fedorov’s intention had nothing to do with being right or wrong. His intention was to make individuals aware of the dangers. Just by presenting the worst case scenario, he has thwarting them. He is a happy man as we speak.As far as I am concerned, he was right on target. They started their “voter fraud” wild assertions, followed by the money flowing like wine to pay for “mercenary protesters”

Anonymous said…

This analysis is overly simplistic and naive.How could anyone think today’s demonstration is the end of attempts to destabilize Russia?I would remind The Saker that Maidan started with a handful of people for a couple weeks. Truly, it could not have been more than a couple dozen people at first.See where we are now? I agree with those who say Putin (and China) made serious mistakes in the last few years: mostly by not striking at the international monetary system in 2008-2009.I fear it is too late now. I hope I am wrong. But when it comes down to it, why didn’t Russia do anything to help avoid the destruction of its ally, Lybia? Why didn’t lend yanukovitch a hand last year to nip Maidan in the bud? I won’t even go into Novorussia.I think The Saker seriously underestimates how evil those people are. The fact that the khodorkovsky was published in Le Monde no less is a strong signal that things are about to get very ugly.Again, I hope I am wrong, but when it comes down to it, all the people that have dared to challenge the international monetary system (and we all know what that means) were eventually destroyed: Napoleon, Hitler (oh yes…. Look up TRUE history), Charles De Gaulle… We are talking international giants here and I don’t think Putin can do better.Of course recently there were Saddam, Kaddafi and Chavez ( who was probably the most vocal).I’ll finish this post by asking everyone on their opinion of Lavrov. For months now, I have felt like Lavrov was a true diplomat superstar and that he and putting we’re running circles around the west. I also felt like Medvedev was probably more prone to be a traitor…Now I am not so sure and I actually wonder if perhaps I got it all backwards… I have been wondering about Lavrov in the last couple weeks or so…