Consequences of the oligarchs’ baleful stranglehold over Russia

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Some even envision NATO troops marching into Russia as “peacekeepers”


The K-535 Yuri Dolgorukiy at sea trials. What’s all the fuss about? (click to expand)

n Interview with Konstantin Sivkov

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]weden’s recent obsessive search for a Russian submarine is an amusing story indeed. The Swedes could not see where the signal was coming from: it could be a Russian, a Dutch submarine or even divers. The performance has its director, though:  NATO.

Pravda.Ru interviewed the head of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Konstantin Sivkov about the situation in the Stockholm Archipelago.


“The duration of a typical anti-submarine search operation that NATO forces conduct makes up from three to five days. If they have not found anything there during this time, they are not likely to find anything then. The area of the possible location of the alleged submarine was small. Some reports said that it was discovered visually, other sources said that it was detected by radio-electronic equipment. The primary location of the submarine was indicated with high accuracy. If the sub was there indeed, it would be found within hours after the detection of an electronic signal.


Sweden has anti-submarine aircraft equipped with powerful sonar equipment and radio-acoustic buoys that can detect such a submarine. Therefore, if it was not found then it means that it was not there. Compare it with the recent detection of a state-of-the-art American submarine, Virginia type, that was found in Russian territorial waters near Novaya Zemlya. Everything was very quickly established, proven and appropriate measures were taken.

All the talk about the Russian submarine in Swedish waters is based on NATO’s  intention to feverishly sculpt an enemy out of Russia, to justify its existence. The attempt to create an enemy in the form of international terrorism has led to nothing.

No one believes that. Therefore, one should model a more real and more visible image of an enemy. The myth of [the] existence of a Russian submarine in the area was intended to create an idea of Russia’s highly aggressive behavior. This will allow the [Swedish] military to require additional funding, whereas political hawks will seek Sweden’s entry into NATO.”

“This version makes absolutely no sense for two reasons. Firstly, what would be the point in those sensors – to arrange a resting place for submarines? Secondly, it will be hard to obtain information from those sensors. It is impossible to install cable networks in those fjords. One requires special cable ships for that. If these sensors were used in a radio broadcast mode, even through a satellite channel, electronic intelligence systems would intercept signals easily. To crown it all, using Swedish fjords to hide Russian submarines – this is beyond common sense. We have enough of our own bases and protected areas for that.

Yet, there is nothing there, nothing was found, but they are not going to make a public statement about it. They already have what they wanted – they portray Russia as a threat. This case is a small act of information warfare against Russia. This is how the image of enemy is created.”

All the talk about the Russian submarine in Swedish waters is based on NATO’s  intention to feverishly sculpt an enemy out of Russia, to justify its existence. The attempt to create an enemy in the form of international terrorism has led to nothing.


Maintaining strategic submarine technological parity with the US or an edge is the best way for Russia to protect itself and deter American aggression. (click to expand)


In today’s Russia, the West is orchestrating a social upheaval.


“To prevent this from happening, one needs to make two very serious and decisive moves that will solve everything. First – to liquidate oligarchs as a class through the nationalization of strategic resources of our country. The state should control everything. Secondly, one should expel liberal marketeers and their supporters, at least, from the ranks of top authorities. That is, the government should be replaced almost entirely, except for certain figures, such as Rogozin.”

Today, the only factor to deter the US is Russian strategic ground-based and sea-based nuclear forces with a range from 9 to 12 thousand kilometers.

“In the future, we can create a group of non-nuclear strategic forces. One needs to do a lot for that, for example, to increase the number of long-range aircraft two or three times. One needs to put into service non-nuclear strategic cruise missiles – Oskol. This is a unique missile system, which the Americans do not have yet. The range of this missile is about 50,000 kilometers.”


Read the original in Russian

Russia catches up with US nuclear arms