[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ctually, that’s not correct. The existence of predators doesn’t prove there is no god. It proves there is no loving god.

The terror, pain, suffering, and mourning for lost family that prey animals must endure every day of their lives could not possibly have been engineered by a compassionate god.

Could a loving god inflict such cruelty upon innocent creatures?


Bowhunter gloating beside his prey. The animals have no choice, but this idiot has, and chooses not to exercise it.

Could a loving god approve of live animals being ripped apart? Eaten while still alive? Of animals living in constant fear? Watching their babies being carried off, screaming for their mothers?

Our forebears were prey of jaguars, panthers, and lions. What kind of a god would allow a little baby to be another’s lunch?

A god might be responsible for all this cruelty, but I seriously doubt it. That’s because I don’t believe there is any god.

But if there is a god, he is a cruel, uncaring, blood-thirsty lunatic.

Even a child could envisage a world where populations were controlled by birth rates rather than predation.

And if there is a god, I don’t want anything to do with him.