Is This Country Crazy? Inquiring Minds Elsewhere Want to Know

Published on Sunday, January 11, 2015
by TomDispatch

The most baffling aspect of life in America for foreigners is to watch so many Americans constantly shooting themselves in the foot, as this T-party person is doing. Not that Obamacare is good, it isn't, but even this tepid, full of holes system is decried as heavy handed government.

The most baffling aspect of life in America for foreigners is to watch so many Americans constantly shooting themselves in the foot, as this person is doing. Not that Obamacare is good, it isn’t, but even this tepid, full of holes system is decried as heavy handed government. (Tim Pierce, via flickr.)

It’s past time to wake up, America, and look around
by Ann Jones

[dropcap]Americans who live abroad[/dropcap] Why can’t you Americans stop interfering with women’s health care?

Why can’t you understand science?

How can you still be so blind to the reality of climate change?

How can you speak of the rule of law when your presidents break international laws to make war whenever they want?

How can you hand over the power to blow up the planet to one lone, ordinary man?

How can you throw away the Geneva Conventions and your principles to advocate torture?

Why do you Americans like guns so much? Why do you kill each other at such a rate?

To many, the most baffling and important question of all is: Why do you send your military all over the world to stir up more and more trouble for all of us?

That last question is particularly pressing because countries historically friendly to the United States, from Australia to Finland, are struggling to keep up with an influx of refugees from America’s wars and interventions. Throughout Western Europe and Scandinavia, right-wing parties that have scarcely or never played a role in government are now rising rapidly on a wave of opposition to long-established immigration policies. Only last month, such a party almost toppled the sitting social democratic government of Sweden, a generouscountry that has absorbed more than its fair share of asylum seekers fleeing the shock waves of “the finest fighting force that the world has ever known.”

The Way We Are

Europeans understand, as it seems Americans do not, the intimate connection between a country’s domestic and foreign policies. They often trace America’s reckless conduct abroad to its refusal to put its own house in order. They’ve watched the United States unravel its flimsy safety net, fail to replace its decaying infrastructure, disempower most of itsorganized labor, diminish its schools, bring its national legislature to a standstill, and create the greatest degree of economic and social inequality in almost a century. They understand why Americans, who have ever less personal security and next to no social welfare system, are becoming more anxious and fearful. They understand as well why so many Americans have lost trust in a government that has done so little new for them over the past three decades or more, except for Obama’s endlessly embattled health care effort, which seems to most Europeans a pathetically modest proposal.

What baffles so many of them, though, is how ordinary Americans in startling numbers have been persuaded to dislike “big government” and yet support its new representatives, bought and paid for by the rich. How to explain that? In Norway’s capital, where a statue of a contemplative President Roosevelt overlooks the harbor, many America-watchers think he may have been the last U.S. president who understood and could explain to the citizenry what government might do for all of them. Struggling Americans, having forgotten all that, take aim at unknown enemies far away — or on the far side of their own towns.

It’s hard to know why we are the way we are, and — believe me — even harder to explain it to others. Crazy may be too strong a word, too broad and vague to pin down the problem. Some people who question me say that the U.S. is “paranoid,” “backward,” “behind the times,” “vain,” “greedy,” “self-absorbed,” or simply “dumb.” Others, more charitably, imply that Americans are merely “ill-informed,” “misguided,” “misled,” or “asleep,” and could still recover sanity. But wherever I travel, the questions follow, suggesting that the United States, if not exactly crazy, is decidedly a danger to itself and others. It’s past time to wake up, America, and look around. There’s another world out here, an old and friendly one across the ocean, and it’s full of good ideas, tried and true.
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