DailyKos’s Cover-Up of Obama’s Ukrainian Atrocities

Eric Zuesse


[dropcap]G[/dropcap]enerally speaking, the falsely-called ‘liberal’ (some even call it ‘progressive’) website dailykos has ignored President Barack Obama’s coup a year ago in Ukraine, which violently overthrew that country’s unpopular but democratically elected President and replaced him with a racist-fascist (i.e., ideologically nazi) anti-Russian regime.

[box]It’s a regime that quickly set to work on a euphemistically called ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’ in its far-eastern region Donbass, where the voters had voted 90% for the very same man whom Obama’s State Department and CIA had just overthrown — an ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’ that kills its ‘Terrorists’ (i.e., the residents there) en-masse by firebombing, cluster-bombing, and shelling, the cities, towns, and villages, throughout the region. If those people survive and vote in future Ukrainian national elections, the nazi regime that Obama installed will be voted out of power; Obama’s 2014 Ukrainian coup will have been for naught. This is why he demands extermination, doesn’t object to it at all.[/box]


Here are typical examples of how this ‘liberal’ (or even some fools call it ‘progressive’) site, dailykos, has ‘reported’ on these events during the past year. (And, please consider that all of these articles were published after the U.S. President whom that site supports had already installed in Ukraine, via a violent coup, an outright exterminationist Nazi regime; and, that this is supposed to be a ‘liberal,’ or even ‘progressive,’ ‘news’ site — this site that hides its hero’s Nazism, is supposed to be taken as being instead liberal, or even progressive.)

On 6 February 2015, another said, “February 21st is the one-year anniversary of the culmination of the Euromaidan protest in Ukraine. The Putin sympathizers will be very busy pushing their BS conspiracy theories about Nuland’s cookies, but here’s some images that show what an inspiring moment it was in history.”

On 13 November 2014, another said (and strongly disagreed with) “Henry Kissinger, that notorious Russian commie sympathizer, says that the West in effect caused the crisis in Ukraine (not, of course, that it’s OK for Russia to have, in response, intervened in Ukraine) because it failed to understand Russian strategic interests.”

BELOW: Markos Moulitsas, Daily Kos’ founder, owner, and Big Enchilada (via DonkeyHotey, flickr)

A rare exception, of opposing Obama’s policy there, was on 19 September 2014: “Under Poroshenko, the new Ukrainian President, the rebels and the cities they occupied were shelled and bombed. We were outraged when Assad [supposedly] did something similar, but Europe and the US only mildly objected when the Ukraine bombed its own people. That’s when Putin, apparently, sent in Russian soldiers to turn the tide. But notice: with the exception of the special case of Crimea (host to the Russian Black Sea Navy, ethnically heavily Russian), Putin has not moved to take over Eastern Ukraine, only to stop Poroshenko’s brutal ‘anti-terrorist’ campaign against ethnic Russians. Since the ceasefire, Putin has pushed for a weak federal state for Ukraine, which would create a neutral country, much like Finland. The US should not be promoting NATO expansion to Russian borders.”

The underlying value-system [capitalism] is the problem. If that doesn’t change, then there is no realistic hope for the world’s future.

But even that article was profoundly dishonest, because it failed to so much as just mention, merely once, the ‘Democratic’ U.S. President, Barack Obama, who was behind all this policy, which the writer here was objecting to, the man whose coup had installed this Nazi regime, and who requires, even to this day, extermination of the residents in the area of Ukraine where the voters had voted 90% for the man whom Obama had overthrown a year ago. In other words: it’s like condemning the Holocaust without once mentioning Adolf Hitler. It’s phony. Even that dailykos post was fraudulent.

Moulitsas (right) holding forth at a DC liberal tank. (Via flickr)

Moulitsas (right) holding forth at a DC liberal tank. (Via flickr)

the White House wanted this massacre — which massacre dailykos thus virtually ignored.

In other words: dailykos is a Democratic Party shill operation, like Fox ‘News’ is a Republican Party shill operation. [Or MSNBC is a Democratic Party operation, Maddow and all.—Eds.] It’s not an authentic news-site; it is a PR or “propaganda” operation, for the Democratic Party, in order to fool liberal suckers to think that America’s aristocracy don’t control both Parties, and to deceive them to think that the United States is still a democracy — even though it no longer is.
For the most part, Obama’s “policy failures” (such as the ‘failure’ of Obamacare to achieve his promised “universal coverage,” or 100% of Americans being insured) are not really due to bugs (such as Republicans accuse); they’re due to features of his programs; they are intended to produce the type of results that they do. (Just ignore his rhetoric, which is intended to deceive.) This is also the reason why for the first time in history there is a continued widening of the gap between rich and poor even after an economic crash, which is precisely the period in the economic cycle when historically the income-gap has narrowed, instead of gotten wider.
The American public are massively deceived. How many news-media are there, which will report this fact, and report it honestly, not in such a way that itself deceives? How many news-media are there that serve their readers, instead of serving their owners and the people who serve them? No democracy can survive like that. This is the reality.
As a general rule: truth is not being rewarded; it is being punished — by ‘both’ sides, as well as in the ‘middle,’ between ‘leftist’ dictatorship, and ‘rightist’ dictatorship.
This is how democracy is conquered: by presenting any type of dictatorship as being ‘democracy.’
rather than of truth (“science,” “honesty,” etc.). And America isn’t unique in having this disease. Instead, this disease is normal; so, it’s not even being called a “disease.” But maybe now, it’s becoming terminal. That could happen. Think about it. Because not to, would be unrealistic, at the present moment in history. There is too much power now, concentrated in the hands of psychopaths (the people who naturally tend to hold and to increase their power).Nurturing power-worship, regardless of whether “Macht macht recht” or “the Almighty,” or any other, leads to this result. It led to this result. The underlying value-system is the problem. If that doesn’t change, then there is no realistic hope for the world’s future. None.
That’s the disease, of which dailykos is merely a symptom.

They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010,  and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.[/box]




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